31 December 2017
24 December 2017
14 December 2017
Radioddity GD-77 Upgrade With VFO MODE!
So this video shows a new firmware for the Radioddity GD-77 which adds several features to the radio including a VFO mode.
PLEASE NOTE this firmware is not yet available on the Radioddity website so upgrade AT YOUR OWN RISK.
It is said to come from a Radioddity employee but I cannot confirm this 100%. The original post is on the 'Radioddity Two Way Radio' Facebook Page.
I will be waiting for some feedback from other users before trying myself as I do not want a bricked radio!!!!!
New: Baofeng DM-1701 Dual Band DMR Radio
So it would appear that there is yet another DMR handheld radio in the works, this time from Baofeng.
The Baofeng DM-1701 is a dual band radio with FM and DMR modes. The dual controls on the top of the radio may indicate a VFO mode/Channel Selector?
There is no word of a cost yet but Baofeng are normally one of the cheapest suppliers out there so hopefully it will be a good price.
Below you can see the first 'Real World' photo of the radio....
CB Radio UK - The Southern Net - 07/12/17
Video:YouTube/CT 2116 Tim
Another video of one of the many regular nets which take place around the UK......
9 December 2017
The First East Midlands DX Group Net
Video:YouTube/Airshow World
Another new SSB net has launched here in the UK. The first East Midlands DX Group Net took place this week and will hopefully become a regular feature on the UK CB Radio scene.
5 December 2017
President Ronald 10/12 @ Nevada Soon!
So Nevada have become the first UK seller to take pre-orders for the new President Ronald 10/12m radio.
Priced at £179.95 it certainly isn't cheap. The US price is $139 which equates to £105 (YES you read that correctly!!!)
But even if we forget about the price we do have to ask who is actually going to buy this radio?
4 December 2017
The Eastern Counties Net Is Moving!
News from the guys involved in The Eastern Counties Net in the UK is that due to the popularity and coverage of the net they are moving frequency to avoid interference to/from other UK nets.
The net has been operating on 27.365 USB for some time, but from 13th December 2017 the net will now take place on 27.345 USB (Two channels lower).
More information can be found on their Facebook page: CLICK HERE
President Andy USA CB Radio Review.
An in-depth look at the President Andy USA 40 Channel AM radio.
27 November 2017
TYT MD 2017 Antenna Problem Fixed?
Video:YouTube/Alister Chapman
Soon after the launch of the TYT MD 2017 reports came in that many users were having problems whereby the SMA antenna connector would snap off so with this in mind this video offers a possible preventative solution to this problem.
President Ronald 10/12M Official 'Real World' Photos
President Electronics USA have published 'real world' photos of their new radio, the President Ronald 10/12m.
Covering the 10m and 12m amateur radio bands (with an option to cover 11m as well - note the echo function!), this radio boasts a power output of up to 50 watts but only has AM and FM modes. There is no SSB on this one so you have to wonder who this is aimed at! Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink!
26 November 2017
Bishop Auckland Radio Rally 2017 (BARAC)
A video from todays rally.....
24 November 2017
Reminder - Bishop Auckland Radio Rally 2017
Just a quick reminder that the Bishop Auckland Radio Rally (BARAC) takes place this Sunday, 26th November 2017.
The rally takes place at the Spennymoor Leisure Centre and the doors open at 10:30am (10:00am for disabled)
Here's a video from last years event:
22 November 2017
Magnum-1 Hacked & Cracked
Video:YouTube/Klaus R.
An interesting video for those of you with a Magnum 1.....
Radiozing Black Friday Deals
Radiozing have kicked off the annual 'Black Friday' deals with a very reasonably priced CRT 6900N at only £130 along with many other deals.....
CLICK HERE to visit their site
20 November 2017
HF Pedestrian Mobile 09/10/2017
A local station and good friend of mine, David M0DAD, operating portable from the North East coast of England on 20m....
15 November 2017
Ailunce HD1 Manual Operation Instructions
Another look at some of the features on the new Ailunce HD1 DMR radio.
11 November 2017
How to pronounce "Ailunce"
Following a chat on twitter with a representative from Ailunce they very kindly provided this short video showing the correct way to pronounce their name!!!!
Inside The Radioddity GD-77 DMR Radio
Ever wondered how they manage to make modern radios so cheap?
Take a look at the insides of the Radioddity GD-77 and see how little there actually is in these radios!!!!
6 November 2017
The Big Net - Glasgow Meet!
On Saturday 4th November CB operators celebrated 36 years of legal UK CB radio with a meet-up at a location near Paisley in the West of Scotland.
20 breakers in 12 cars brought back memories of the good old days!
You can read the full article on the Charlie Tango 1642 blog: CLICK HERE
The Big Net + Southern Net 02/11/17
Video:YouTube/CT2116 Tim
Thanks to Tim (26CT2116) for his video of The Big Net.
The Big Net - Shane's Video
Another cracking video of this years 'Big Net' event here in the UK.
4 November 2017
The Big Net - 26CTX1837
Some brilliant 'Big Net' action from Stuart, 26CTX1837 in Wiltshire UK. Plenty of stations took part on AM, FM and SSB!
3 November 2017
The Big Net 'Fred In The Shed' Video!
The Big Net as experienced from the 'Fred In The Shed' shack!
New Ailunce HD1 Dual Band DMR Radio - First Look
A first look video of the new Ailunce HD1 DMR handheld. I think this radio could be a real winner!
31 October 2017
Retevis RT90 - Videos
A whole series of interesting videos have appeared which show some of the features of the new Retevis DT90 Dual Band DMR mobile radio.....
29 October 2017
The Big Net 2017 + Some Added Chat!
Many thanks to Gary for making this video with details of the upcoming UK CB Radio celebrations and other matters relating to CB Radio.
25 October 2017
CB RADIO - The 27.305 Mhz SSB Net Going Strong!
One of the well esablished regular SSB nets here in the UK. SSB has proved really popular since legalisation in 2014.
Introduction to the IC-7610 SDR HF Transceiver
A look at some of the features on the new Icom IC-7610
Ailunce HD1 DMR Radio - First Videos
Videos: YouTube/Ailunce
A couple of short videos showing some of the features of the new Ailunce HD1 DMR Dual Band Handset.
23 October 2017
Halloween AM Net
A chance to dig out your old AM rigs as stations across the UK celebrate Halloween with an old fashioned and no doubt very spooky AM Net.
The Net will take place on 27.125 Mhz on 31st October 2017 between 19:00 and 21:00 GMT.
Why not go out mobile to a very dark and haunted area?
You're sure to have the willies put up you! (Oh, no, stop it missus!)
22 October 2017
Galashiels Radio Rally 2017
A quick look at this years Galashiels Radio Rally.....
19 October 2017
The Big Net - 2nd November 2017
Thanks to Matt 26CT1994 for his promotional video for The Big Net 2017 celebrating 36 years of legal UK CB Radio.
18 October 2017
Ham Radio At The BBC - G8BBC
The BBC now has an Amateur Radio station based in Broadcasting House in central London. Broadcasts will be made under the special callsign G8BBC.
Galashiels Radio Rally 2017
Just a quick reminder that it's the Galashiels Radio Rally this weekend, Sunday 22nd October.
The Volunteer Hall
St John Street
Scottish Borders
Doors open at 11.15am (Disabled access from 11.00am) - Entry: £2.50
Always worth a visit even if it's just for the spectacular views of the surrounding area!
Here's a video from last years event:
More details: CLICK HERE
17 October 2017
Yaesu FT991/FT991A Gets System Fusion 2 Update
Yet another firmware update for the FT991/FT991A has appeared on the Yaesu website (Dated 17/10/2017).
This update adds the new DG-ID function to the radios (Known as System Fusion 2).
7 October 2017
CatDisplay for Yaesu FT-857 or FT-897
Video: YouTube/Chris Day
A plug-in TFT display for your Yaesu radio.....
5 October 2017
Special Offer: President Lincoln 2+ @ Nevada
Nevada Radio in the UK have announced a special offer on the President Lincoln 2+ which is the latest version (V4) of this 10/11/12m mobile radio.
3 October 2017
TYT MD-760 DMR Handheld (Same As Radioddity GD-77)
TYT have a new radio, the MD-760, which is their own branded version of the popular budget DMR radio the Radioddity GD-77 (Or should that be the other way round? It's so hard to tell these days!)
Features are expected to be the same as the GD-77:
Price is unknown but the GD-77 sells for under £80 here in the UK so I would expect a similar price.
2 October 2017
CB Radio - Southern Net 28/09/17
Video: YouTube/CT2116 Tim
Some action from the weekly Southern Net here in the UK. Conditions appear to have been particularly good this time....
1 October 2017
Vortex Quasar Q82 MKII "On Air" Tests
Video: YouTube/M0OGY
Dave does some 'On-Air' tests of the new Vortex Quasar Q82 MkII
Moonraker Minor II and Major 42 @ Dave's
Dave, M0OGY, has posted a photo of himself holding two radios from Mooraker. The Minor II and the Major 42 handheld.
Dave tells me that he will be reviewing these radios soon, so look out for videos on his YouTube channel.
The Moonraker Minor II is priced at around £49
The Moonraker Major 42 Handheld is priced at around £79
27 September 2017
Moonraker Major CB Handheld @ Knights
The new Moonraker Major42 is vow available from Knights here in the UK. Priced at a very reasonable £79.50
- UK & EU channels + Multi Norms
- Scanning facility
- Dual Watch
- Keylock
- Power Save Function
- External speaker/mic socket
- Hi/Low Power
- Digital S-Meter
- Removable Battery Case
25 September 2017
Vortex Quasar Q82 MK II Review (Part 3)
Video: YouTube/M0OGY
Dave takes another look at the new Vortex Quasar Q82 MkII 10/11/12m antenna along with the new MM0CUG two section mast.
23 September 2017
Introduction to the IC-7610 SDR HF Transceiver
Video: YouTube/Icom
A quick look at the new Icom IC-7610
18 September 2017
The Big Net - 36 Years Of Legal CB Radio In The UK
Yes it's almost that time of the year again when CB radio operators all over the UK get together to celebrate the anniversary of the legalisation of the UK CB radio system.
Way back in 1981 the UK gained access to legal CB radio after many years of illegal use of imported American radios. The UK was allocated a unique band comprising 40 channels using Frequency Modulation (UK40).
Later, rules were relaxed and the EU (Mid) band was also granted again using Frequency Modulation only. Now of course AM and SSB are also legal here in the UK on the EU band and we still have our UK40 band to use as well.
So why not join the celebration?
MAIN NET: 36 years of legal UK CB radio on Thursday 2nd November 2017 19:00 - 22:00 hours (BST) on Ch36 UKFM (27.95125Mhz).
AM Calling on Ch14 EU (27.125Mhz)*
SSB Calling on Ch27 EU (27.275Mhz)*
* Please QSY once contact is made
16 September 2017
Special Event: Eastern Counties Net 16th/17th September 2017
(Click to enlarge)
Celebrating the first year anniversary of the UK's Eastern Counties Net who have a special event this weekend, so listen out for 26FI420(Richard) and 26FI242(Justin) operating under the special callsign of 26FI/ECN.
They will be using USB between 27.365 and 27.445Mhz.
9 September 2017
Accessing The 5Mhz (60m) Band On The Yaesu FT-991
A quick video to show you how to access the newly added 5Mhz (60m) band on the Yaesu FT-991 following the recent firmware update (Dated 06/09/2017).
The update files can be downloaded from the Yaesu website. Updates are available for the FT-891, FT-991, FT-991A, FTdx1200, FTdx3000 and the FTdx5000.
However, a suggestion to Yaesu....
While I'm sure we all welcome this update why was it done in such a mess of a way?
Why does the 5Mhz band not have its own band button on the screen?
Is it due to the screen being full?
The very least you could do is change the '14' button to display '14/5'
If it is because the screen is full why not give 5Mhz its own button and combine the AIR and MW bands on one button instead as shown in my mock-up below?
7 September 2017
Yaesu Radios Get 5Mhz Band Update
Yaesu have announced a firmware update for several radios which adds the 5Mhz (60m) band.
Updates are available for the FT-891, FT-991, FT-991A, FTdx1200, FTdx3000 and the FTdx5000.
Updates are available for the FT-891, FT-991, FT-991A, FTdx1200, FTdx3000 and the FTdx5000.
Link to files: YAESU WEBSITE (Link goes to FT-991 files, for other radios select your radio from the links on the page)
Update notes (Referring to the FT-991)
* The 5 MHz amateur band is updated for the FT-991 as follows: US / EXP / CHN / AUS versions
1. By pressing and holding the band key [14/5], the 5 MHz band can now be selected.
2. The three 5 MHz band stacks are called up by successively pressing and holding the
[14/5] Band Key. (Transmission/Reception operation in 5 MHz band in each version does not change)
UK version transceiver which can transmit 5 MHz in USB mode
1. By pressing and holding the band key [14/5], the 5 MHz band can now be selected.
2. The three 5 MHz band stacks are called up by successively pressing and holding the [14/5] Band
3. VFO operation Transmit in all modes is now possible at frequencies of 5.250.0MHz - 5.406.5MHz.
EU transceiver which can not currently transmit 5 MHz
1. By pressing and holding the band key [14/5], the 5 MHz band can now be selected.
2. The three 5 MHz band stacks are called up by successively pressing and holding the [14/5] Band
3. 5.351.5MHz - 5.366.5MHz frequencies, VFO operation Transmit in all modes is now possible.
NOTE: For the 5 MHz band, please operate according to Regulation of each country and license of customer.
To access the 5Mhz band on my FT-991 following the update all you need to do is press and hold the '14' button on the band select screen to gain access.
I feel the display should have been altered to display 14/5 instead of just 14 or even better the whole band select screen should have been reorganised but maybe that will come in a future update.
2 September 2017
President McKinley Audio Test
This video from cbradiomagazine on YouTube demonstrates the TX audio on the President McKinley with the stock microphone and then a power microphone. The receive radio is a President Lincoln 2.
President really need this to be a winning radio after the disappointment of the Grant 2 and the disastrous Lincoln 2(Mk1) and I must say the radio sounds pretty good to my ears even with the stock mic. Now lets see if President bring this radio out in EU configuration at some point in the future.
President McKinley USA Clarifier Unlock Mod
So despite rigourous FCC rules and regulations it would appear that it is possible to unlock the clarifier on the new President McKinley CB Radio.....
Next step I guess is to add a few more bands and hey presto you have a really good multi channel radio!
NEW: ICOM IC-9700 @ Tokyo 2017
Icom's new IC-9700 seen at the Tokyo Ham Fair 2017. This is a prototype so there are not many details as yet but the radio will cover the 144Mhz, 432Mhz and 1.2Ghz bands.
Price and further information will follow in due course no doubt!
31 August 2017
President McKinley AM/SSB - New 2017 CB Radio Review
TYT MD-9600 DMR Radio: First Look/Testing
Video:YouTube/AirWavz KG4VDZ
A first look at the new TYT MD-9600, a radio which looks as if it will be very popular amongst DMR users.
22 August 2017
21 August 2017
Saving Lives With Amateur Radio
Video:YouTube/M6 MGE
A video from Mike, M6MGE, which highlights a unique feature of Amateur Radio and radio communications in general, the ability to assist in an emergency and in this case quite possibly saving a young girls life.
The video is fairly self explanatory and worth watching right to the end. Mike took the emergency call via the GB3WR repeater located on the Mendip Hills in South West England, and proceeded to contact the emergency services.
I personally think that Mike did a fantastic job here and to be honest I'm not sure that I could have been so calm and professional in such circumstances.
Very well done Mike you are a credit to the hobby!
15 August 2017
Yaesu System Fusion II FAQ's
Following the news on the blog that Yaesu are planning an update to their System Fusion radios they have posted some FAQ's on their USA Facebook page which gives an insight into their plans:
(Click to enlarge)
13 August 2017
Yaesu FT991 VHF UHF Extended Transmit
Video:YouTube/Jed Deadlock
An interesting video which appears to show a way to change a European FT-991 to the USA operating version with expanded 2m and 70cm coverage.
Please be aware you may damage your radio and I DO NOT recommend modifying radios so you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK!
12 August 2017
Yaesu Announces System Fusion II
So it would appear that Yaesu are about to make a major update to their C4FM Digital range of radios as an advert has appeared online which seems to be advertising 'System Fusion II'
(Click To Enlarge)
As you will see at the bottom of the advert it states that 'Firmware updates will enable System Fusion II compatibility with all existing C4FM products" so if, like myself, you have a C4FM enabled radio be on the lookout for some updates hopefully in the near future!
As to what System Fusion II offers.... Only time will tell!
8 August 2017
Space Station YOTA Contact 08/08/2017
Following a failed attempt at 18:38 GMT the RSGB/YOTA team made a successful contact with the Space Station on the next pass at 20:15 GMT.
Contact as heard by M0UKD who lives close enough to the ground station to hear both sides of the contact:
And as heard by Carl Gorse in the Teesside Area of the UK:
Space Station Contact Fails Due To Technical Problems
Unfortunately, this evenings scheduled Space Station contact at 19:38 hours BST failed due to technical problems!
The RSGB/YOTA team attempted to make contact for several minutes before reluctantly having to give up.
The RSGB/YOTA team attempted to make contact for several minutes before reluctantly having to give up.
Below is a short clip from the RSGB live stream:
UPDATE: A second attempt was made during the next flyover and this time a succesful contact was esablished - Video will appear on the blog in due course.
Mobility Scooter Mobile!
An interesting idea from "Mikedabike Faulkner" on Facebook who is now able to operate Mobility Scooter Mobile!
7 August 2017
New Version CRT SS9900 @ Knights
Breaking news today is that Doug at Knights Electrocom in the UK has the latest version of the CRT SS9900 in stock.
4 August 2017
Vortex Q82 MKII Antenna Review (Part 2)
More from Dave and his massive erection!
Radioddity GD-77 Dual Band DMR Handheld Only £76.99!
Seen on Amazon UK at what appears to be a very reasonable price. Not seen or tried one of these yet so cannot comment on performance but it might be worth a punt!
Upcoming Space Station Contact
An International Space Station ARISS contact is planned for astronaut Paolo Nespoli IZ0JPA, using the call sign NA1SS and the Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) event, call sign GB4YOTA, taking place in Gilwell Park, UK.
The contact is scheduled for Tuesday 8th August 2017 at approximately 18:38 GMT/19:38 BST. This will be a direct radio contact, operated by GB4YOTA.
Signals from the Space Station can be recieved on 145.800Mhz FM across much of Europe.
GB5RC - Radio Caroline Special Event Station
Celebrating 50 years of offshore radio broadcasting listen out for a special event station located on board The Ross Revenge near Bradwell-On-Sea in Essex, UK, the home of Radio Caroline.
Operating on 80m, 40m, 20m, and possibly on other bands depending on conditions, the station with the callsign GB5RC will be active until the early hours of Monday morning (07/08/2017).
More information can be found here: CLICK
3 August 2017
Vortex Q82 MKII Antenna Review (Part 1)
Dave takes a look at the new Vortex Q82 MKII antenna.
30 July 2017
Work The Leyland Tank 30/07/2017
So fingers crossed for some propagation today as we have a special event where you may be able to 'Work The Leyland Tank'.
Located near Tank Roundabout in Lancashire, UK this Centurion tank is one of several vehicles featured in a 'Welcome To Leyland' collection which remembers the historic heritage of the local area and for one day only a special DX event will take place from the tank so pin back your ears on channel 40 UKFM from 13:00 hours (BST).
Below is a video of the tank being put into place in 2011 (Having being moved a short distance due to road works on the roundabout):
29 July 2017
TYT MD-2017 £10 OFF @ Nevada
With thanks to Mike Devereux of Nevada Radio who tells me that they have the new TYT MD-2017 dual band DMR handheld radio in stock and if you mention "Delboy's Blog" you can get a £10 discount off the standard price.
Nevada website link: CLICK HERE
20 July 2017
UKFM Skip!
A nice contact to Germany by Fred (In the shed) during a recent sporadic E opening on the UKFM band.
A nice contact to Germany by Fred (In the shed) during a recent sporadic E opening on the UKFM band.
16 July 2017
Dave's Massive Erection - Vortex Q82 MkII

Dave, M0OGY has posted photos on Facebook showing his new Vortex Q82 MkII antenna for the 10/11/12m bands which measures a whopping 28ft long!
15 July 2017
TX Factor - Episode 17 (TXF017)
Video:YouTube/TX Factor
The latest episode of TX Factor which looks at Digital Modes and QSL cards.
14 July 2017
13 July 2017
Building a DMR Code Plug For The TYT MD 2017
Video: YouTube/AirWavZ KG4VDZ
3 July 2017
27.135Mhz German SSB Calling Channel!
Following on from the recent UK Facebook page which aims to promote the UK SSB Calling Channel on 27.275 USB (LINK), our friends in Germany have decided to do the same by launching a Facebook page for a German SSB Calling Channel on 27.135Mhz USB (Channel 15 Mid Band).
You can find the page on Facebook here: CLICK
Please join and share the page with your radio friends.
1 July 2017
Ailunce HD1 - Another Dual Band DMR Radio!
Information sent via Twitter is that there is yet another new kid on the block when it comes to dual band DMR radios... The Ailunce HD1 by Retevis.
(Click to enlarge)
And some great news is that this radio has a VFO mode with direct frequency entry (See Video):
(Click to enlarge)
Price: TBA
(Click to enlarge)
And some great news is that this radio has a VFO mode with direct frequency entry (See Video):
(Click to enlarge)
Price: TBA
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