27 December 2014

Active Soon: Christmas Island 217DA/0 Special Event

Be sure to listen out for the Delta Alfa Group special Christmas Island activation in the new year!

24 December 2014

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

It's been an interesting year, legalisation of AM/SSB after many years of campaigning which has brought a good number of new/returning users back to the airwaves. 

There are more radios and accessories available now than ever before in the history of cb radio! Some good, some not so good! But certainly no shortage of choices!

Band conditions, whilst not the best, have still allowed some amazing contacts!

Here's to another interesting year of radio next year!

And a personal milestone - Just today I've reached 8 MILLION visitors across the Delboy Network(Websites/YouTube/Blog etc) - WOW! Thanks for visiting my various sites, I hope I can continue to provide information and entertainment in the future. 

Who knows I may reach 10 MILLION visitors by next Xmas!!!!

Anyway best wishes to you all.


20 December 2014

19 December 2014

The Big Net - 6 Months Of Legal AM/SSB In The UK!

Yes it's hard to believe but AM and SSB have been legal in the UK for almost 6 months. To celebrate 'The Big Net' will take place on Saturday 27th Dec from 7pm.
Calling will take place on Channel 27EU (27.275 USB) and Channel 14 (27.125 AM)
Please remember to QSY off the calling channels once contact has been made.

17 December 2014

President Grant II, UK/EU (CE-Multi) AM/FM/SSB CB Radio - Overview

Not sure how I missed this excellent video about the President Grant 2, but here it is!

As you will see the Grant 2 has an exceptionally sensitive receive which may explain why some people get those mystery static bursts!

I have had my Grant 2 for best part of a year and I'm very pleased with the way it performs.

14 December 2014

Anytone/Maas/Intek/K-PO Channel-VFO Mod!

A very interesting video has surfaced showing a modified Anytone radio which appears to have a free running VFO. 

Video: YouTube/Klaus R.

I'm sure that there are many Anytone users who would be interested to see how this works!

9 December 2014

CRT 'MIKE' Now Available From Knights!

  • Multiband - covers all European bands
  • Full 4Watts output
  • AM/FM  (where legal)
  • Aluminum body for better cooling
  • Remote microphone with LCD display (with wide viewing angle)
  • 3 colours display : blue, purple, orange
  • DW : dual watch
  • Automatic Scan
  • Channel CH9 / 19
  • Manual or automatic squelch (ASQ)
  • Filters NB/ANL
  • RF Gain
  • LCD backlight control (brightness)
  • 4 memory channels
  • Squech level display
  • Volume level display
  • Voltage display
  • Signal strength display
  • Automatic or manual power on
  • TOT : Time Out Timer
  • Key lock
  • Channel or Freqency display

5 December 2014

OFCOM- Changes To Amateur Radio Licence!

Ofcom have now made a decision on changes to the Amateur radio licencing conditions:


GOOD NEWS: Amateur operators to get 470Khz and 5MHz as standard without the need for an N.O.V.

BAD NEWS: Relaxation of how often callsigns are to be given! - Relaxing the need to identify your station will simply encourage illegal use of the bands and make Amateur Radio less distinctive from CB radio. 

(Click To Enlarge)

CB Radio on BBC Radio 2 - Drivetime 04/12/2014 - Thunderpole Bob

CB radio featured on BBC Radio 2 (04/12/14). Simon Mayo talks to Andy Barker from Thunderpole!

Video: YouTube/Chris TheHulk

4 December 2014

Alinco DR-135UK 10m SSB

A quick listen to the Alinco DR-135UK on 10m SSB. 

The radio shows that it is closely related to the President Lincoln 2 - SSB audio sounds a little overloaded at times (Improved by reducing the RF Gain a little). However the radio generally performs well with some excellent outgoing audio reports!

1 December 2014

Alinco DR-135UK (CRE8900) Unboxing

So my Alinco DR-135UK arrived this afternoon from Nevada Radio.

First impressions are good.

More soon!

27 November 2014

UPDATE: Nevada's Black Friday Deal!

Deal Of The Year - Alinco DR-135UK on £99.95 (Plus P+P)

Click HERE for direct link!

Nevada now tell me that they sold over 200 units in a matter or hours last night!

(Last few remaining this morning!)

09:30 hours 28/11/14

WOW - Over 2000 people viewed this post in the space of 24 hours!

7 November 2014

The T-800, New Budget CB Radio from Thunderpole

Multi Channel operation
80 CH UK/EU + European Bands
4 Watts AM/FM
Signal Meter
RF Gain
Auto/Manual Squelch
Microphone with UP/Down/Auto Squelch buttons
Ch9/19 Switch

PRICE: £54.99

Full Details: CLICK HERE

6 November 2014

146-147Mhz Bandplan - Digital Only?

Here is a copy of the preliminary bandplan for 146-147Mhz and it would appear to be digital only!

(Click To Enlarge)

Now speaking for my local area, there are NO stations who actively use digital modes so it is difficult to see what the point is of allocating 1Mhz of prime VHF spectrum in this way. 

The frequencies may as well have been given to CB operators who would love a VHF allocation and would certainly make good use of it. 

The current situation is a complete waste of time as far as I see it!

There may be a handful of people who will jump at the chance of using wideband digital modes on these frequencies but with all the other (Higher) frequencies available to this small group why would they need any more spectrum?

22 October 2014

21 October 2014

Applications Now Open For 146-147Mhz N.O.V.

The RSGB are now inviting stations to apply for a Notification Of Variation to their amateur licence to allow the temporary use of 146-147Mhz.  

"The frequencies from 146 to 147MHz, will be available via a Notice of Variation on a temporary basis to Full licence holders only.

Applications for NoVs can be made now, but please note your NoV is only valid from 31 October 2014 and is for one year. "

Anyone interested in  obtaining an N.O.V. for this band should apply here: LINK

19 October 2014

Galashiels Radio Rally Today!

Yes it's that time of year again, the Galashiels Rally is upon us. Information from http://galaradioclub.co.uk/

The Volunteer Hall
St John Street
Scottish Borders
Doors open at 11.15am (Disabled access from 11.00am) 
Admission will be £2.50.
Expected Traders:
KEITH RODEN (badges etc)
KEVIN AVERY http://www.rfdesignuk.com/
Bring and Buy

Video from last years event:

12 October 2014

No VHF CB Band? - 'Hang On' a Minute!

Following OFCOM's decision not to allow a VHF CB System here in the UK I have been contacted by several people claiming that there is already a VHF CB type system allocated in the UK!

Intrigued? I certainly was!

It would appear that for many years OFCOM(Formerly the Radio Authority) have allowed, or at least turned a blind eye to to the use of the VHF spectrum by paragliders. Although primarily used for safety the frequencies are used as a sort of CB band by the paragliding community. 

The frequencies that are being used are as follows:

It would be very interesting to know how widespread the use of these frequencies actually is. There are several paragliding forums which do mention the use of these frequencies, so I'm guessing that they are regularly used around the UK.

If anyone has any further information or has actually used these frequencies please get in touch.  

(Article for information only: Delboy's Radio Blog does not encourage or condone the illegal use of the radio spectrum!)

10 October 2014

OFCOM: The release of spectrum within the frequency ranges 143 MHz to 169 MHz - Statement

OFCOM have released an update to the release of VHF spectrum in the UK. One possible use of this spectrum could be a VHF CB Radio Band!

Statement published 10|10|14

This document sets out Ofcom’s plans for the release and allocation of spectrum returned to civil use by the Emergency Services.

The statement sets out our decision for portions of the 5.875 MHz of Very High Frequency (VHF) spectrum in the 143 - 169 MHz band. We believe this spectrum will be of most interest to business radio users, such as utility and construction companies.

The spectrum will be made available on a first-come-first-served basis. However, it will also be released through a managed and gradual approach in order to maintain maximum flexibility for the band in the future, should new types of demand emerge.

As part of this process, Ofcom will also allocate and licence spectrum to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency to replace channels no longer available due to changes in international frequency arrangements.

This approach will not require the use of all available spectrum immediately, therefore some of this spectrum will be made available, on a temporary basis, for amateur radio at 146 - 147 MHz and we will continue to provide short term access to Programme Making and Special Events users. 

A total of 38 responses were received from Citizen Band(CB)Radio users, of which 15 were confidential. The majority of respondents raised the request for an allocation to CB use in the VHF band, with many stating that the current 27 MHz band is suffering from continental interference and noise. In addition, Delboy Enterprises and 5 other respondents suggested an introduction of a licence free or licence exempt band in the VHF range for CB Radio.

Ofcom response:

In response to the issues raised by the CB community, our proposals did not include an allocation of spectrum on a licence exempt (like CB Radio) or free basis. We note that there are currently no European (both European Union or European Communication Committee (ECC)) decisions or recommendations for CB use in the VHF band. Although the lack of a decision does not prevent Ofcom from allocating spectrum for this use we do not see that a specific UK only allocation would be consistent with our duties on the efficient use of spectrum.

Furthermore, due to the non-harmonised nature of the band there is no availability of appropriate kit for use in the band

So no chance of a VHF CB band at the moment!

Very disappointing that only 38 CB users responded!

Link to full document: CLICK HERE

27 September 2014

President Lincoln 2 - Engineering Menu 7 Months On!

It has been over 7 months since the Engineering Menu was found on the Lincoln 2 and the video has been viewed in 58 different countries. 

Most of the settings have been fathomed out but has anyone actually needed to use them?

Maybe you could let me know!

26 September 2014

Newark Hamfest 26/09/2014

Videos from the rigsearch YouTube channel

15 September 2014

The Northumberland Net Adds SSB!

The Northumberland Net in North East England has been active for many years on channel 38 UKFM. With the recent legalisation of SSB they have now started a regular Wednesday Night USB Net on channel 28 EU (Mid Band).

If you are in the area or there's a bit of propagation about be sure to listen out for the gang!

14 September 2014

The Big Net - On Facebook!

The Big Net now has a FaceBook event page: CLICK HERE

This is the place to post your intentions regarding the event such as Location, Times, Callsign etc.

Let's make this an event to remember!

13 September 2014

German SSB Contest Today 13/09/2014

Info from the Charlie Tango Forum:

Just to let you know that on Saturday, Sept 13th 2014 there is an SSB contest in Germany on EU legal mid-band CB. So, there's a fair chance to catch some activity on the air from Germany between 1800 and 2400 local German time, which is 1700 to 2300 UK time. Let's hope for some good short skip between continental Europe and UK and, of course, some serious DX as well.

Regards,Zintus, 13CT310

9 September 2014

The Future Of Amateur Radio!

OFCOM have launched a consultation in respect of the future use of Amateur Radio in the UK:


This consultation sets out our proposals for updating the terms and conditions of the amateur radio licence.

These proposals include changes which would provide amateurs with access to some frequency bands previously available only through the variation of individual licences.

The consultation follows changes announced in our April statement on Public Sector Spectrum Release(-1-), where we set out our decision to remove access for amateur radio operators to certain frequencies in the 2300 MHz and 3400 MHz ranges in order to support the release of these bands by the Ministry of Defence.
This consultation, which is likely to be of interest to those in the amateur radio community, closes on 20 October 2014.


Full Document: http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/consultations/amateur-radio-licence/summary/condoc.pdf

27 August 2014

The Big Net 2014
Celebrating 33 years of legal UK CB radio!

Just a heads up - The Big Net will take place on 2nd November 2014, this time with ADDED AM/SSB!

The event, which marks legal CB radio in the UK, takes place each year and always has a good turn out.

The main net will take place on channel 33 UKFM (27.92125Mhz) with additional AM calling on 14 EU (27.125Mhz) and USB calling on 27 EU (27.275Mhz).


Twitter - Use #TheBigNet 

25 August 2014

HF Pedestrian Mobile - Bognor Regis 2014

David, M0DAD, shows what can be achieved operating HF pedestrian mobile!

Austria Gets It's Very Own Albrecht AE5890

Neuner-Funk is reporting a special version of the AE5890 for sale in Austria in order to comply with strict Austrian radio laws. The Albrecht AE5890AT is a locked down version of the popular AE5890EU which was easy to modify for additional power/channels and was ruled as illegal for sale in Austria. 

Taken from the Neuner-Funk FaceBook page:

"It is so far: the first AM/FM/SSB unit 4/4/12 Watts, what can legally be used in Austria, is available: the Albrecht AE5890 AT.

Conversion AE 5890 EU on Austria version. The device is hardware locked to 40 channels AM/FM/SSB with 4/4/12W. The multi-standard switch does not function, the device can be adjusted from the outside no longer on any other standards around. Subsequent sealing with the original manufacturer seal and changed papers.

The notification on the part of the Austrian Telecommunications Authority occurred, the ready-built unit is supplied with a new declaration of conformity.

This article is intended for Austrian customers who purchase a new device AE5890 and also in Austria legally want to use them, or but also for existing devices, which will be converted to. All devices, starting with serial number A3312, 190 and 260 are capable of conversion.

The price of 19.90 euro is understood without the device is merely the conversion to a new or existing used unit http://www.pmr-funkgeraete.de/Funkgeraete/CB-Funk/Albrecht-CB/Albrecht-AE5890AT-Umbau-fuer-Oesterreich-auf-AT-Version Austria version: 8795.html photos courtesy of Jörn Hofmann, Benson radio technology (Translated by Bing)"

Original Page: LINK

24 August 2014

Ham Fair Tokyo 2014

Taking a look at the radios on offer from Yaesu including the new Yaesu FT-991.

23 August 2014

UK AM/SSB Features Heavily in Radio User

The September edition of Radio User Magazine features a review of the latest version of the President Grant 2 by Dave, M0OGY. 

Dave's review, (4 pages long) goes into detail as to what you can expect from this great little radio. A radio which will probably be one of the best selling legal radios for a long time. 

Also in the magazine, Simon The Wizard gives his views on UK legal AM/SSB in his column "Comms From Europe" along with some interesting and possibly worrying information about Short Range Devices(SRD's) being legalised for use on 27MHz in Germany. 

22 August 2014

Muppets on Triple 5!

Yes it's true we do get Muppets on Triple 5! - It's not big and it's not clever!

16 August 2014

13 August 2014

Overnight Charlie Tango Net - 23rd/24th August

Gary, 26CT104 has arranged another overnight DX Event. Information from the CT Forum:

"Late night/overnight CTX/CT Net this Bank Holiday Weekend :)

Saturday Night 23rd August into Sunday Morning 24th - 7pm onwards on Mid Block SSB and UK FM.

Preferred frequencies will be:

SSB Channel 28 Mid Block (27.285Mhz) - USB (Upper Sideband). If frequency is clear, will call on Ch27 (27.275Mhz) with QSY.

Channel 28 or 34 on UK FM (27.87125Mhz and 27.93125Mhz) - the long established Papa Lima net runs between 9pm and Midnight on Ch28, so will be joining that as part of the evening. 

Conditions are beyond our control, so channels will vary depending upon QRM/QRN - CTX stations will run until batteries run out or knacker sets in ;)

High ground stations will be out, so range will be good skip or no skip - hopefully most of the UK and possibly beyond, will be covered.

All welcome to call in, CT or non-CT, and we hope to have as many join in as possible :thumb:"

23 July 2014

SSB CALLING CHANNEL... It's all good

Channels in the 144MHz Band to be used for the Commonwealth Games

From the RSGB website:

Following negotiations with the RSGB to minimise the impact on radio amateurs, Ofcom has announced that it will temporarily authorise up to four 25kHz channels, between 144.000MHz and 144.100MHz, for the period 22 July to 4 August 2014, to support the operation of the Commonwealth Games. The frequencies to be used specifically exclude 144.0500MHz (CW Calling Frequency).
Usage of this spectrum by Games users will be geographically limited to an area centered on Glasgow, defined with a UK NGR of NS 585 650 and the surrounding areas covering a radius of 30 kilometres between 23rd July 2014 and 4th August 2014. Specific use of this spectrum will be limited to handheld equipment operating on a maximum of 5 Watts output. The frequencies affected are:

• 144.000 MHz (Centre frequency with a channel bandwidth of 25 kHz);
• 144.025 MHz (Centre frequency with a channel bandwidth of 25 kHz);
• 144.075 MHz (Centre frequency with a channel bandwidth of 25 kHz); and;
• 144.100 MHz (Centre frequency with a channel bandwidth of 25 kHz).
Ofcom emphasises that use of Primary Amateur spectrum is only for the specified time period and does not constitute a change of usage.
Ofcom are aware of the very short notice and will authorise this usage on a “non-interference, non-protection basis”.  Amateurs in the Glasgow area are requested to avoid these frequencies until 4th August.

19 July 2014

European Citizens Band Federation Congress 2014 in Brussels

The 14th European Citizens Band Federation Congress took place in Brussels on the 16th and 17th of July and for the first time since 1992 the UK had a representative in the shape of David Ogg (M0OGY). 

Dave's post from the Transmission 1 forum:

"I was invited to the 14th European Citizens' Band Federation congress in Brussels in Belgium.

It was very interesting with specialist Translators on hand and I certainly met some very interesting people involved with our hobby from throughout the EU.

Many points were discussed and I made a strong case for the United Kingdom users and my main issue was about the dreaded PLT devices.

I have filmed a video and will be uploaded to Youtube over the weekend.

In this picture which Vincente, one of the Delgates from Catalonia, posted on our ECBF website you can see Delegates from Catalonia, Spain, Belguim, Croatia, France, Portugal and the geezer in the black shirt is the bloke from the United Kingdom.

That was the night before, we were suited and Booted the following day for the main meeting.

I gave you my word I would get involved and try and get our point over.....more to follow"

The Main topics of discussion, from a UK perspective, were PLT Interference Issues, The new AM/SSB allocation, and the possibility of a VHF CB allocation.  

The other European delegates are said to be extremely pleased that the UK now has someone to speak about CB radio issues and Dave's input was very welcome at the meeting. 

From a personal point of view I would like to thank Dave for his efforts and I'm sure he will continue to be a fine ambassador for the UK CB radio community in the future. 

More photos can be seen on the FaceBook pages of Fernando M G Seixo: LINK