4 September 2024



The Anytone Ares II has been around for a little while now. When it first appeared users commented that a few improvements would be nice. Anytone listened to people and produced a firmware update file and software to add the wanted features. Great news and well done to Anytone for doing this. Many companies just shrug and do nothing, expecting you to simply buy another new version of the same radio to get the features you want. 

Anyway, fast forward a year or so and I have been made aware of three people who have recently bought themselves an Ares II and have encountered a strange 'bug' when doing the firmware update to their new radios. 

The firmware update appears to go well, the radio and computer respond as they should, but when the radio is reset there is no receive or transmit. The radio lights up and you can change channels etc. You can even connect the radio back up to the computer and read the channel data from the radio. Everything seems to be correct but still no RX or TX.

All very puzzling.......

So enquires have been made from my side and it appears that the very latest batch of radios arriving at dealers has already had the firmware updated, and in trying to 'update' it again, this unusual situation may occur. 

So here's some simple advice.... 

If you are currently buying or thinking about buying the Anytone Ares II (and I strongly suggest that you consider it, as these are very good radios and great value), please CHECK WITH YOUR DEALER to see if the firmware on the radio has already been updated. 

One way you can check yourself is to see if the frequency display modification is present. On radios with the new firmware you can hold the UP and DOWN microphone buttons when the radio is receiving, and the current frequency will display on the channel number LED segments, two digits at a time.

27  20  50 (27.2050) for example.

If your radio can do this DO NOT ATTEMP a firmware update.

If any more information is forthcoming I will post it here on the blog.

The Anytone Ares II is currently available from Martin Lynch & Sons who have confirmed that their stock already has the new firmware and as a bonus they currently have the radio on special offer at only £159.95 (Sounds like a bargain to me!)


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