30 September 2023
President Randy III Hand Held Review (Part 1)
26.805 FM Group
Link to Facebook group: CLICK HERE
25 September 2023
Thunderpole T-X FM Modulation Adjustment
20 September 2023
President George II Export Mode - HOW TO!
15 September 2023
26TC101 - The DX is back!
13 September 2023
President George II - Dave's Final Thoughts
11 September 2023
More George II Videos From Dave
Two more videos incoming from Dave M0OGY tonight at 19:30 hours and 20:30 hours UK Time!
President George II Contact Into Central Virginia USA (3754 Miles)
10 September 2023
Radioddity QT60 First Video Review
UK-Wide 27/81 Net Tonight!
All across the UK and beyond we have a 27/81 net tonight (10/09/23) at 20:00 UK time / 19:00 UTC on channel 38 UKFM (27.97125)
So get those radios on and give a shout!
NEW: Baofeng UV-5RH with Airband Receive!
9 September 2023
USA on the Thunderpole T-X Indoors with Stock Antenna!
NEW: Radioddity QT60 Coming Soon
President George II - €299 in Italy
8 September 2023
President George II - 50 Mile SSB Contact
7 September 2023
President George II - TWO more videos tonight 19:30 + 20:30 UTC
Two more videos of the new President George II heading this way form Dave M0OGY tonight at 19:30 UTC (20:30 UK Time) + 20:30 UTC ( 21:30 UK Time)
6 September 2023
President George II - PREMIERES TONIGHT AT 20:30 HOURS (UK)
First UK video of the new President George II lands tonight at 20:30 (UK TIME) from Dave, M0OGY.
The FIRST President George II in England!
Dave, M0OGY has shared a couple of photos of his shiny new President George II and has promised that videos will be coming soon, including one when the antenna is connected to the radio 😉
5 September 2023
President George II - A SS3900 in sheep's clothing?
Is the George II unique and special or are you just paying a premium price for a SS3900 in a different box?
I think this will be a great radio, it is very likely that it performs very well and having a similar board to the SS3900 is not a bad thing as that radio certainly works well (and costs about £100 less).
Dave, M0OGY, said in a recent video that he has a George II coming from France any day so I guess we'll find out in due course... Looking forward to your review Dave!
Oh, and just for good measure, here's the inside of the superb CRT 7900V....😁
I'm beginning to notice a theme here!!!!🤣🤣🤣
4 September 2023
President George II - Output Power & Software?
EXCLUSIVE: Thunderpole T-X Debug Software
Just landed here at Delboy Towers is the Debug software for the Thunderpole T-X CB Handheld.
3 September 2023
President George II - IN STOCK!
Price: €339 which equates to £291
2 September 2023
The President McKinley II Has Arrived!
President McKinley 2 FCC - Dual Watch!!!!
FCC Takes Action Against a CB Radio Operator!
It would appear that the FCC has taken against against a CB Radio operator who was causing interference to other users by using high power and non-standard radio equipment.
I KNOW - What a shocker!
Click images to enlarge...
First President George II Radios Arrive at Dealers!
It would appear that the very first President George II radios are now heading out to dealers. Satonline in Switzerland posted on Facebook saying that radios have arrived and are being sent out to people who pre-booked their order. Radios will become more widely available at the end of September.
The price quoted on this particular site equates to £339 (GULP!)