28 December 2021

USA - CB Radio Skip 28/12/2021

Some brilliant conditions on the CB bands today. I was out mobile and was really pleased to hear so many American stations on AM and LSB.....

New London Town LSB CB Radio Net

Video:YouTube/Fred In The Shed

A video from 'Fred In The Shed' promoting the new London Town LSB Weekly Net which takes place every Monday evening from 20:00 hours (UK Time) on 27.355 LSB.

21 December 2021



The European price of the new K-PO DX 5000 PLUS has been revealed by one website to be €189 which equates to £161

That price does seem very fair especially if the new Noise Reduction Circuit works well. 

It will be interesting to see how the price actually converts into GBP here in rip-off Britain.

The radio should be available soon. 

In the meantime we have a link to the user manual HERE

3 December 2021

President Thomas FCC AM/FM Due 'Early 2022'


President have announced that the new Thomas FCC AM/FM will be available in the US from early 2022, priced at $109


- 40 channels AM / FM
- 12 / 24 V
- Up/down channel selector
- Volume adjustment and ON/OFF
- Manual squelch and ASC
- Multi-functions LCD display
- S-meter
- Public Address
- Talkback
- ANL filter, NB
- Compander
- F function key
- Beep Function
- Roger Beep
- Noise Gate
- Mode switch AM / FM
- Preset channel programmable
- TOT (Time out timer)
- Front microphone plug
- External loudspeaker jack

Link to President website: CLICK HERE


President McKinley EU - SPECIAL PRICE At Moonraker


Moonraker, here in the UK, currently have the President McKinley EU on offer at the very reasonable price of only £206.99

So it's great time to splash out on this radio which is certainly the best legal multimode radio on the market at present. 

Moonraker Website: CLICK HERE


27 November 2021

NEW - The Lima Tango Net


Another new net here in the UK, The Lima Tango Net starting Monday 29th November 2021 from 20:00 hours on 27.355 LSB.

Location is London and the surrounding areas.

Good luck to the guys organising this net and I do hope it's goes well.

17 November 2021

EMF D-Day For UK Amateur Radio


The UK Amateur Licence now requires amateurs to check compliance with EMF exposure limits.

Compliance is required from 18th November 2021 for frequencies above 110MHz, from 18th May 2022 for frequencies above 10MHz but below 110MHz, and from 18th November 2022 for frequencies below 10MHz. 

So from tomorrow every UK Amateur Radio operator who transmits above 110MHz with an output power greater than 10 watts EIRP will be required to have completed an EMF assessment and ensure that their station is compliant.  

On the face of it, this all sounds a little confusing but the guys at the RSGB have all the information you need including a handy Excel Spreadsheet calculator which you can input your details, power output, antenna type and all the other information required to ensure compliance. Once you have completed the form simply print it out and keep it with your Amateur Radio license documents. 

Information and guidance can be found on the RSGB website HERE

Also, a video explaining how to complete the EMF calculator can be viewed HERE

The Excel Calculator document can be downloaded HERE

11 November 2021

President Thomas FCC - First US FM CB Radio Announced


Documents seen on the FCC website suggest that President will be the first to offer a new legal CB with FM alongside the usual AM in the USA, with the announcement of the new President Thomas FCC.

The radio will be 4w AM/FM covering the normal US CB band 26.965 - 27.405

One curious thing is that the supplied image shows a mobile radio with a heat sink however the application mentions a 'PORTABLE HANDHELD TRANSCIEVER' but I'm pretty sure this will be a mobile radio and not a handheld. 


9 November 2021



An update about the new KPO DX-5000 PLUS with information from KPO that Thunderpole will be the UK distributer and stock is expected late November/early December (UPDATE: Delayed until January 2022)

Still no pricing details as yet.

    (The Noise Reduction Circuit - NRC)

Main Features:

  • VOX
  • CTCSS/DCS codes
  • RX compander
  • Noise gate
  • RX noise reduction (extra PCB inside the radio)
  • Microphone type selection: electret or dynamic
  • Program cable connector on the backside of the radio (program cable is optional)
  • Extra ventilation holes on the top and bottom cover
  • Frequency range 28.000 - 29.700 MHz HF 10 Meter Band AM/FM/SSB/CW
  • Frequency Range 25.615 - 30.105 MHz (DX-5000EX version only)
  • Backlighted LCD Display (amber colour) with 7-digit frequency readout
  • 2-Digit Channel Number readout
  • 6 Frequency Bands, 60 Channels (programmable) in each band
  • RF Power max 12W AM/CW, 40W FM, 40W SSB
  • Digital S/RF Meter, RG Gain control, RF Power control
  • Scan/SC List, Dual Watch, EMG, RB, NB/ANL, LOCK, LCD Off, TOT, HI-Cut
  • Dynamic Microphone with UP/DOWN/AQ (Auto Squelch) controls
  • Quick UP/Quick DOWN frequency selection
  • PA (Public Address) circuit
  • S/SQL (manual or automatic Squelch control)
  • Radio is fully PC programmable (with optional PC Interface Cable)
  • Antenna Connector UHF SO239
  • Temperature Range -15/+50 °C
  • Input Voltage 13.8V (15.9V max / 11.7V min) - 9A max at 40W SSB PEP
  • Dimension : cm 28 x 25 x 6 / Weight : kg 2.8
  • 5 November 2021

    40 Years of CB Radio - THE BIG NET

    Video:Youtube/Al 26TC101

    Here we have a video from Alan, 26TC101, of the 40th anniversary celebrations in his area. Looks like he had a good night with plenty of stations on the air. 

    1 November 2021

    Enthusiastic Steve - CB Radio Nostalgia

    Video:YouTube/Stephen Legg

    Stephen takes a look back over 40+ years of CB radio in the UK.

    On 2nd November 2021 a nationwide net will take place on Channel 40 (27.99125MHz) from 19:00 hours (UK Time), so get on the air and give a call!

    26 October 2021

    One-Four Wednesday Special Event 27/10/2021


    As part of the 40th anniversary celebrations the One-Four Wednesday net gang are having a special event this Wednesday 27th October, across the UK.

    The night begins on channel 14 AM (27.125Mhz) at 7pm UK time, then at 8pm UK time they switch to channel 14 UKFM (27.73125Mhz).

    So why not tune in and give them a call.

    21 October 2021

    40th Anniversary of Legal CB Radio in the UK


    The 40th anniversary of legal UK CB Radio is on 2nd November 2021. As in previous years, a nationwide net will take place with operators from all over the UK. This year on channel 40 FM (27.99125Mhz) from 19:00 hours (UK Time).

    So dig out those radios, get your ears on and make some noise....

    Echo mics, burners, roger beeps and CB radio slang are all welcome!

    Big 10-4 good buddies!

    20 October 2021

    K-PO DX-5000 Plus /Anytone AT-5555 Plus NEW 10/11m Radio

    Video:YouTube/KBC NL

    Here we have a first look at the new K-PO DX-5000 Plus / Anytone AT-5555 Plus which boasts extra features including VOX, CTCSS, DCS and Noise Reduction.

    Earlier versions of this radio have proved to be very popular mainly due to the excellent value for money when compared to other multimode radios so I'm sure this one will follow suit and will be flying off the shelves in due course. 

    They have certainly started from scratch again with the internals...

    You may have noticed that there are no adjustment pots on the board so expect a 'Service Menu' instead.

    17 October 2021

    Blackpool CB & Amateur Radio Convoy 22/10/2021


    This sounds like a brilliant event, taking place on Friday 22nd October there will be a CB and Amateur Radio convoy taking place in the Blackpool area of the UK.

    Radio Comms will be on 145.300 (For licensed operators) and channel 21 UKFM (27.80125) for CB'ers.

    More information on Facebook - Search for 'Leyland CB radio event page'

    CB40 - Special Activation

    As part of the 40th Anniversary celebrations we have information about a special activation which is taking place on 5th November. 

    Channel 40 (27.99125) from 10pm UK Time. Based in the South East of England but welcoming stations from all over the UK and beyond.

    Bristol PMR446 Net


    Some more PMR446 action tonight in the Bristol Area of the UK.

    James 26CT3490 and Paul 25JR1972 will be listening for your calls on Channel 8 (446.09375) from 7pm UK Time

    NEW - Albrecht AE6290 at Nevada


    Nevada Radio here in the UK are now taking orders for the Albrecht AE6290.


    • VOX hands-free function
    • Repeater function
    • Large 4.7 cm display

    Multinorm CB radio with all European frequencies

    • CB radio relay/repeater function, freely programmable
    •  S-/ Power-Meter
    • AM/FM switching
    • Talk Back - function to check own modulation
    • SCAN functions for all channels
    •  Channel 9/19 emergency button (freely programmable)
    • Automatic squelch ASQ
    • Noise Blanker against radio interference
    • Up/Down keys on the radio and on the microphone
    • VOX hands-free function
    • Display illumination in 8 colours
    • RJ45 microphone socket

    Price: £99.95

    Thoughts: There are no repeaters here in the UK so the repeater function is pretty much useless at the moment, however the introduction of this radio could lead to stations setting up repeaters on the CB radio band. Also I feel the price needs to drop a little for it to be good value for money. 

    But having said that, this is a nice little radio and will likely prove popular. 

    1 October 2021

    Icom IC-705 on 11m CB Radio

    Video: YouTube/andy kirby

    An interesting video from Andy who shows us how his Icom IC-705 and magnetic loop works on 11m....

    30 September 2021

    NEW RADIO - Yaesu FTM-6000E


    Yaesu have announced a new mobile analogue dual band radio, the FTM-6000E

    Price: Around £239

    Information From Yaesu:


    50W Stable High-Power with Heavy Duty Heat Sink with FACC (Funnel Air-Convection Conductor) *Selectable 50W/25W/5W

    3W of Powerful, Clear and Crisp Audio Speake

    New User Operating Interface : E2O-III (Easy to Operate-III)

    PMG (Primary Memory Group) Function allows instantly recall of the frequently used frequencies        registered in the PMG

    MAG (Memory Auto Grouping) Function allows memory channels to be automatically categorized in all memory channels, AIR band, VHF band, UHF band and others and can be quickly recalled by band groups

    VFO Band Skip Function

    Memory Data Transfer to the VFO Register

    Wide-range receive coverage from 108MHz to 999.995MHz

    Wireless Operation Capability with the Bluetooth® Headset *Requires the installation of an optional Bluetooth Unit BU-4

    Detachable Front Panel to be mounted at the desirable operating position

    1,100 Memory channels with character alphanumeric tags

    Supplied Multi-Functional DTMF Microphone - SSM-85D

    The new FTM-6000R/E is a basic feature packed mobile transceiver employing a new User Operating Interface - E2O-III (Easy to Operate – III).

    The FTM-6000R/E delivers reliable and stable 50W transmit performance. The heavy-duty heat sink is equipped with FACC (Funnel Air-Convection Conductor). The speaker delivers 3W of clear and crisp receive audio which has been specifically tuned for radio communication. Front panel of the FTM-6000R/E is detachable and can be mounted at the most desirable operating position. The new FTM-6000R/E supports optional Bluetooth® wireless operation using the SSM-BT10* Headset or a commercially available Bluetooth® headset*.

    E2O-III provides three (3) user-intuitive operating modes to assign functions and settings: (1) The most frequently used function can be registered to the “F1” key and then recalled with a single touch of the “F1” key. (2) Other frequently used functions can be assigned to a Function List and then recalled by simply pressing the “F Menu” key and rotating the dial. (3) All functions and items other than those registered to “Most frequently” or “Other frequently’, are selectable by pressing and holding the “F Menu” key and rotating the dial.

    Up to 5 channels can be registered in PMG (Primary Memory Group). Frequently used PMG frequencies can be shown in an easy-to- distinguish display just by pressing the “PMG” key.

    The MAG (Memory Auto Grouping) function automatically groups memory channels so they may be easily recalled by band: All memory channels; AIR band (108MHz – 137MHz); VHF band (137MHz – 174MHz); UHF band (400MHz – 480MHz); and other bands (174MHz - 400MHz / 480MHz – 999.995MHz).

    The new FTM-6000R/E VFO Band Skip Function permits unused bands to be skipped, while the registered memory channels can be recalled; even if the frequency is in the skipped band. By pressing “SQL BACK” key when the memory channel is displayed, the contents of the currently selected memory channel can be transferred into the VFO register. Depending on the operating situation, either the VFO or Memory channel operations are separately useable.

    Some of the other features of the FTM-6000R/E are: Wide-range receive coverage from 108MHz to 999.995MHz; 1100 Memory channels with character alphanumeric tags; supplied DTMF microphone - SSM85D; Scanning Functions – VFO Scan, Memory Scan, PMG Scan, Programmable Memory Scan.

    Supplied Accessories:

    DTMF Microphone SSM-85D

    Mounting Bracket Bracket for Controller

    Control Cable 10ft (3m)

    USB Cable

    DC Power Cable

    Operating Manual


    Frequency Ranges:

    RX: 108 - 137MHz (Air Band) 137 - 174MHz (144MHz HAM / VHF Band) 174 - 400MHz 400 - 480MHz (430MHz HAM / UHF Band) 480 - 999.995MHz (USA Cellular Blocked) TX: 144 - 146MHz, 430 - 440MHz

    Circuit Type: Double-Conversion Superheterodyne

    Modulation Type: F2D, F3E : Variable Reactance Modulation

    RF Power Output: 50W/ 25W/ 5W

    Case Size(W x H x D): Radio Unit 5.47"x 1.66"x 5.2" (139 x 42 x 132 mm) w/o Fan Controller 5.51"x 1.6"x 1.38" (140 x 40.5 x 35 mm) w/o Knob

    Weight: 2.43lbs (1.1kg) with Radio Unit, Controller, Control Cable

    27 September 2021

    Thunderpole T-600 Radio Pack From £89.99


    Thunderpole have now added the new T-600 CB Radio to their 'Radio Packs'. 

    Starting at £89.99 you can get the radio, antenna and mount.

    Configure your pack here: CLICK


    26 September 2021

    President Randy 3 Videos

    Here we have a couple of interesting videos from Knoxieman on YouTube featuring the President Randy 3 CB Radio handheld. 

    1 September 2021

    Thunderpole T600 CB Radio Adjustments and On-Air Test

    Video:YouTube/UK FM CB Radio Servicing

    Two very interesting videos from Richard at UK FM CB Radio Servicing, this time he takes a look at the new Thunderpole T-600 CB Radio.

    Video:YouTube/UK FM CB Radio Servicing

    23 August 2021

    NEW - Thunderpole T-600 CB Radio


    Thunderpole have announced a new radio in the shape of the T-600.

    Price: £59.99

    Link to Thunderpole website: 

    19 August 2021

    NEW Yaesu FT5D - Manual and First Real World Photos


    Earlier this week Yaesu announced their latest handheld radio, the FT5D and we have the first 'real world' photos and a link to the official manual.

    Link to manual: CLICK HERE

    10 August 2021

    Delta Delta DX Group Nets


    Thanks to Colin, 108DD001, who has passed on information regarding the Delta Delta DX Group Nets which take place every week on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. The nets are based in Banffshire in Scotland.

    The Wednesday net takes place on 27.215 USB from 20:00 hours (UK Time)

    The Saturday net takes place on 27.575 USB also from 20:00 hours (UK Time)

    The Sunday net takes place on 27.575 USB from 14:00 hours (UK Time)

    9 August 2021

    FM CB Radio in the US - 2 Facebook Groups


    Two new Facebook groups have sprung up to offer discussion regarding the upcoming legalisation of Frequency Modulation on CB radio in the United States. 

    Firstly we have the "FM Calling Channel 26.805" group who are looking to establish 26.805 (Channel 23 Low Band) as a new FM freeband calling channel. Some of the members hope to petition the FCC for an additional 40 channels to use the FM mode, either above or below the current legal 40 block. 

    Secondly we have the "CB FM CALLING FREQUENCY 24 - 27.235mhz FM Users Group" who are taking a 'legal' approach and are trying to establish 27.235 (Channel 23 Mid Band) as a new FM calling channel. 

    It will be interesting to see which approach is successful. You can find these groups by using the Facebook search facility. 

    24 July 2021

    United States gets FM CB Radio (After 63 Years!)


    It's only taken 63 years but it looks like Frequency Modulation is coming the USA!

    Currently AM and SSB modes are legal on the mid band 26.965 - 27.405, however documents recently published on the FCC website show that Cobra's 2017 petition to allow CB radio users to have FM has been successful:

    CB radio equipment will still be required to operate on AM but will soon have the option to include FM if a manufacturer so wishes. 

    Of course, it remains to be seen if American operators embrace FM as an operating mode but I'm sure many people will welcome this long overdue decision. 

    20 July 2021

    One Four Wednesdays - CB 40th Anniversary


    As part of the 40th Anniversary of legal CB Radio in the UK, people are being invited to shout "One-Four A Copy" once again every Wednesday evening from 19:00 hours (UK Time).

    So tune into channel 14 on the UKFM band (27.73125) and give out a call.

    More information can be found on Facebook - Search for "40 Channels 40 Years".


    3 July 2021

    CB Radio Anniversary - Kent On The Air

    Video:YouTube/British CB Radio

    Highlights from a special activation celebrating 7 years of legal AM and SSB from the Kent On The Air team....   

    27 June 2021

    CB Radio Anniversary Events TODAY!


    There should be plenty of activity on the CB today as the stations throughout the UK celebrate the 7th Anniversary of the legalisation of AM and SSB.

    Activity will be centred on:

    Channel 14 (27.125) - AM Calling

    Channel 27 (27.275) - USB Calling

    (Please remember to QSY if those channels are busy in your area)

    The Clyde Valley guys will be operating all day, covering Southern Scotland, Northern England and beyond.

    The Kent stations will be active on 27.055 (Channel 8 Mid Band) AM with a LIVE STREAM available on their YouTube Channel: CLICK HERE

    Regular Sunday Nets will also be on the air from The Delta Romeo DX Group, Sid's Sunday DX and The South East Sunday Net.

    So why not get on the air, see if you can get some great contacts and help to celebrate CB Radio in the UK!

    7 June 2021

    Delta Romeo DX Group Special Event

    The Delta Romeo DX Group here in the UK, are celebrating their 6th Anniversary with a special event starting 11th June until 13th June inclusive. 

    Conditions have been been really good recently so listen out and be sure to give them a call.

    30 May 2021

    PMR446 England to France 500mW (119km)


    We've had some amazing conditions on the CB and HF bands this past few weeks but it's always a good idea to check out the high frequencies as well. 

    This video features a brilliant cross-channel contact from Sussex in England to Normandy in France on PMR446, using a Floureon FC200 with just 500mw.

    Distance = 119km/74 miles

    29 May 2021

    Video - Mid Wales Vintage UK FM Net

    Video:YouTube/AlBarst 26TC101

    The Mid Wales Vintage UK FM Net took place on Thursday 27th May and here we have a video from Allan 26TC101....

    26 May 2021

    Mid Wales DX Group Vintage Evening

    This year we celebrate 40 years of legal UK CB radio....

    A special event is taking place on Thursday 27th May - The Mid Wales DX Group Special FM Vintage Evening.

    From 19:00 hours (UK Time) on channel 36 UKFM (27.95125).

    So get your old 27/81 CB radios out of the cupboard, power them up and give a shout!

    18 May 2021

    UK CB Radio Anniversary 27th June 2021


    It's almost that time of year again...

    On 27th June 2021 we will celebrate the 7th anniversary of the legalisation of AM and SSB here in the UK.

    It's a Sunday so plenty of opportunity to get on the air!

    USB CALLING ON 27.275 - CHANNEL 27

    AM CALLING ON 27.125 - CHANNEL 14

    *Please QSY to a clear frequency once contact is made

    15 May 2021

    CB Radio Skip - Channel 38 14/05/2021

    Some truly amazing conditions on the CB band with every channel full of stations coming in from around the UK and beyond. Here's a sample of how our local chat channel sounded here in North East England....

    8 May 2021

    CB Radio Skip 08/05/2021 (President McKinley EU)

    Some good short skip conditions today... It was a bit mad on UK Channel 19!

    19 April 2021

    CB Radio - A Little Bit Of Skip At Last!

    It was certainly good to hear a few voices on the bands this week after what feels like an eternity of near silence.....It wasn't much, but it's a start!

    13 April 2021

    NEW - President George II - CB Radio


    If the above image doing the rounds on the internet is correct it looks like President have another multimode radio in the works... The President George II

    The image appears to show that the radio has:















    Likely to have export mode with expanded frequency range and high power!

    I guess in many ways this will be the replacement for the President Grant 2 which was recently discontinued. The radio certainly looks similar to the Grant 2 in many ways.

    If it is based on the Grant 2 this could be a very good radio. Time will tell...