28 March 2019

New McKinley EU Photo Hints At High Power?

This new top-down photo of the President McKinley EU CB Radio, taken from the President website, shows that it has a nice little heat-sink on the back. This would appear to confirm what many have wondered, that the radio will have a 'high power' mode which will probably be enabled when the radio is put into EXPORT configuration.

Looking at the size of the heat-sink, the radio may be able to do 20-30 watts, possibly more due to the fact the the case is basically a big heat-sink in itself and may well be vented to help with heat dissipation.

Price is expected in the £250 - £300 range but we can keep our fingers crossed that it's lower!

Availability: Possibly May?


21 March 2019

President McKinley EU - 'COMING SOON' to Nevada

Nevada Radio, here in the UK, are preparing to take pre-orders for the new President McKinley EU Radio.

No price as yet but it looks like they will be one of the first UK retailers selling this radio in the coming weeks.

  •     40 channels AM / FM / LSB / USB
  •     Volume adjustment and ON/OFF
  •     Manual squelch and ASC
  •     Multi-functions LCD display
  •     Frequencies display
  •      S-meter
  •     Vox function (Hands free)
  •     ANL filter , NB and HI-CUT
  •      RF Gain / Mic Gain
  •     RF Power
  •     Clarifier
  •     Channels and memories scan
  •     3 Memories
  •     Dim function
  •     F function key
  •     Beep Function
  •     Roger Beep
  •     Mode switch AM / FM / LSB / USB
  •     Dual watch
  •     Automatic SWR (Power Reading /SWR)
  •     Preset channel programmable (EMG 1&2)
  •     TOT (Time out timer)
  •     Front microphone plug
  •     Microphone Electret or Dynamic
  •     External loudspeaker jack

  •     Supply    :    13.2 V / 24 V
  •     Size    :    170 (W) x 150 (D) x 52 (H) (DIN size)
  •     Weight    :    1.1 kg


17 March 2019

President Grant II PREMIUM £249.99 @ Nevada

Nevada radio in the UK have reduced the price of the President Grant II PREMIUM, possibly in preparation for the release of the new President McKinley EU which is likely to become President's flagship radio. 

I think the new price on the Grant may indicate that a higher price is heading this way on the McKinley.... 😁

16 March 2019

Floureon 16 Channel PMR - New LOW PRICE

For those of you interested in these cracking little PMR 446 radios which we've featured previously on the blog, you may wish to pop over to ebay and snap up a few as they are currently being sold at the new lower price of £8.99 for a pair or £16.99 for a quad pack.

I've already got 4 but I'm tempted to get a few more for experimentation, such as changing the antenna for a longer hi-gain whip. 

13 March 2019

Video - President Walker II

Video:YouTube/Office President Electronics

President Electronics Romania have posted a video showing the President Walker II in action. Although this video is not in English I'm sure you'll get the general idea!

The Romanian price for this radio is the equivalent of £134.... The UK price is around £179 

12 March 2019

Another New UK Weekly NET

News from Richard 26RB03 is that there is yet another weekly net here in the UK.

The RB Club Tuesday Net will take place every Tuesday from 19:30 hours GMT on 27.515 USB.

The central location of the net is in the county of Staffordshire, so if you are in that area or you hear some skip running, get tuned in and give them a call.

President McKinley EU Manual

For those who are interested, here we have a link to the President McKinley manual which gives all the info you need on this new radio.....

President McKinley EU Manual: CLICK HERE

11 March 2019

President McKinley 'Real' Photos and Animation

So it looks like the arrival of the new President McKinley EU is imminent as President Electronics have released 'Real' photos of the new radio and we also have an exclusive animation showing all the display colours you can choose from.

Price is yet to be confirmed but it's expected to be in the range £250-£300.

It's been a long wait (The radio was first talked about on the blog back in 2016), and it remains  to be seen if people are still interested in buying this radio after such a long time. Propagation is at it's lowest point, we are at the bottom of the solar cycle and there is very little activity on the bands. There could not be a worse time to launch an SSB radio. 

My feeling is that if President make a bold move and sell this radio for under £200 it will sell really well but the expected price range is a little too steep for most to warrant spending on a new CB radio. 
Anyway, the wait is almost over. In the meantime here are some full resolution images (As always - Click to enlarge)

10 March 2019

Programming your DMR radio from scratch - Noobs Guide!


Programming your shiny new DMR radio can be a bit of a headache, this video runs through the basics of how to do it.....

7 March 2019

Another NEW UK SSB Net

News is that there's yet another SSB Net here in the UK. 

The Orient Pirate Radio Group kicked off their net on 27.495Mhz USB last night and early reports are promising with a number of cracking contacts being made.

It is planned that the net will take place on the 1st Wednesday of each month. The net's central location is in the Gloucester/Bristol/Somerset area so why not stick it in your diary and give them a shout. The nest net is planned for Wednesday 3rd April.

1 March 2019

UK CB Radio Sideband Action

Video:YouTube/Fred In The Shed 2

Some great SSB action on the 305 net in Southern England......

(Delboy????? There's an imposter out there!)

Win a President Lincoln 2+ (Raffle Ticket Entry)

If you fancy winning a President Lincoln 2+ by way of a raffle entry and would also like to support a long standing radio forum in the process, get yourself over the to Charlie Tango site.

As more and more people switch to Facebook, forums such as this are feeling the pinch. They cost money to keep online and it would be a real shame if the forum were to close down.