27 February 2019

PMR446 Range Test - 27Km


An interesting video showing how well these little radios perform in open space. 

I remember doing this exact same thing 20 years ago at the birth of PMR446 here in the UK, unfortunately that was before YouTube so no footage exists, but I do remember being amazed at the distances achievable on just 500mw, my best contact being over 500Km!

My first PMR446 radios were Goodman's Trackers which cost me £100 for a pair. Prices have of course plummeted with great little radios such as the Floureon FC200's which are only £13 per pair.

Enjoy the video and get out there with your PMR446 radios, see just how far you can get!

26 February 2019

Upcoming Space Station Contact

An International Space Station school contact has been planned for David St-Jacques KG5FYI with Ceip Nuestra Senora Del Carmen, Torre De La Reina, Spain. The event is scheduled for Tuesday March 5, 2019 at 09:50 GMT/UTC .

The conversation will be conducted in English.

The contact will be a direct operated by EG7NSC, so the downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.

Source: AMSAT

13 February 2019

President Bill FCC Teardown


Taking a look inside the little President Bill FCC radio. It's truly amazing what can be packed into a tiny box these days.....

President Bill Service Menu Secrets

Video:YouTube/Klaus R.

An interesting video showing differences between the FCC and EU versions of the President Bill along with some 'service menu' secrets.

In common with most of the newer CB radios from President there are no adjustments available inside the radio so it's obvious that any adjustments have to made via either software or a hidden service menu. I would expect that most if not all of the recent radios will have such a hidden service menu....

12 February 2019

BHI Dual In-Line Noise Cancelling Module + President Grant 2

Video:YouTube/Fred in the Shed 2

Fred takes a look at the BHI Dual In-Line Noise Cancelling Module which can make a real difference to those of us who suffer from local interference on the CB or HAM bands….

9 February 2019

NEW - DMR On The 4m Band - Entel DX415s

Coming soon is a DMR handheld radio which could be used on the 4m band. Covering 66-88Mhz analogue and digital. I've not seen a 4m handheld DMR radio before so this could be a first....

Technical Information:

Included In The Box Entel DX415s DMR Radio, Li-Ion Battery, Belt Clip, Single Unit Charger
Accessory Connector HX - Entel HX482
Display Display
Analogue or Digital Analogue, Digital
Band (VHF or UHF) Low Band
Frequency Range 66-88Mhz
Channels 64
Signalling Type CTCSS, DCS, DMR
Ingress Protection IP68
Commodity Code 8525600000 - Transceivers
Type / Group Handheld Radio
Height (mm) 97
Width (mm) 60
Depth (mm) 38
Brand Entel
Model DX415s
Manufacturer Part Number DX415S

Price and further information to be announced soon.

8 February 2019

Yaesu FTdx101D Price Revealed

Martin Lynch have revealed the UK price of the new Yaesu FTdx101D...

So at £3149.95 it is less than most people expected, still a lot of dosh but it's certainly a lot of radio.

5 February 2019

President Walker II £179 at Knights

News from Doug at Knights Electrocom here in the UK is that the new President Walker II will be in stock from this Thursday (7th February) priced at £179


- 40 channels AM / FM
- Channel rotary switch
- Volume adjustment and ON/OFF
- Manual squelch and ASC
- Multi-functions LCD display
- Frequencies display
- S/RF vu-meter
- Public Address
- Scan
- Talkback
- Beep Function
- Roger Beep
- Tone
- ANL filter, NB, HI-CUT
- RF Gain / Mike gain
- RF Power
- Mic type electret / dynamic
- F function key
- Mode switch AM / FM
- Preset emergency (EMG 1/2)
- SWR (Power Reading /SWR)
- Front microphone plug
- External loudspeaker jack
- USB 5V 2.1A

Link to Knights Website: CLICK HERE

Download the instruction manual: HERE

Canvey Radio Rally 2019

Video:YouTube/Essex Ham

The guys from Essex Ham take a look at the Canvey Rally which has a new home this year!

4 February 2019

Video - The President Richard AM/FM


Taking a look at the new President Richard 10m AM/FM Ham Radio (Yeah right), we all know this is just a way to get high powered CB radios into the US. Let's be honest, no-one is going to buy this radio to use solely on 10m as it does not have SSB.

The radio itself looks really nice....but is it just me or do those controls and switches look a little on the cheap side? Sell it for £100 and no-one minds but with an expected UK price of over £200 personally I would expect a higher quality finish on the controls... PLUS - NO SSB!


- Rotary switch channel selector
- Volume adjustment and ON/OFF
- RF Power
- Manual squelch and ASC
- Multi-functions LCD display
- Frequencies display
- S-meter
- Public Address
- ANL filter, NB and HI-CUT
- RF Gain / Mike gain
- Scan
- Talkback
- MENU function key
- Beep Function
- Roger Beep
- Mode switch AM/FM
- Tone
- VFO Mode
  (continuous scanning of 28.000 Mhz to 29.700 Mhz)
- Vox
- Echo
- Mic type electret / dynamic
- SWR (Power Reading /SWR)
- Preset emergency (EMG 1&2)
- TOT (Time Out Timer) 
- Front microphone plug
- External loudspeaker jack
- USB 5V 2.1A

3 February 2019

Dave's Back! (M0OGY)


Great to see the return of Dave, M0OGY. He's been a real miss during his recuperation but looks like he'll have plenty for us to look forward to this year!

2 February 2019

International Space Station Contact 02/02/2019

A video of today's contact between David St-Jacques, KG5FYI and a school in Portugal.

1 February 2019

President Richard EXPORT MOD

Seen on the Facebook page of "Citizens Band Outlet" the above image reportedly shows the link on the board to modify the new President Richard to give wide band coverage. 

    (President Richard on 11m - Click To Enlarge)

- Rotary switch channel selector
- Volume adjustment and ON/OFF
- RF Power
- Manual squelch and ASC
- Multi-functions LCD display
- Frequencies display
- S-meter
- Public Address
- ANL filter, NB and HI-CUT
- RF Gain / Mike gain
- Scan
- Talkback
- MENU function key
- Beep Function
- Roger Beep
- Mode switch AM/FM
- Tone
- VFO Mode (continuous scanning of 28.000 Mhz to 29.700 Mhz)
- Vox
- Echo
- Mic type electret / dynamic
- SWR (Power Reading /SWR)
- Preset emergency (EMG 1&2)
- TOT (Time Out Timer) 
- Front microphone plug
- External loudspeaker jack
- USB 5V 2.1A

PRICE: $169