31 May 2016
Mysterious Interference - Part 3
30 May 2016
Mysterious Interference - Part 2
29 May 2016
Mysterious Interference - Part 1
25 May 2016
CB Radio Skip 25/05/2016 - 47KP147
24 May 2016
TYT MD-380 - Special Offer @ Martin Lynch & Sons
Martin Lynch and Sons have reduced the price of this DMR handheld to only £99.95 and it comes with the programming software and lead.
New Midland M-10 @ Nevada
Navada are now taking orders for the new bluetooth CB radio from Midland....
Features :-
- NEW - White LCD display
- AM/FM mode change switch
- Automatic digital squelch
- ANL: automatic noise limiter
- Noise blanker system
- Emergency channel 9-19
- USB socket for charging most devices
- 2 pin socket for accessories
- External loudspeaker socket
- 4 pin microphone connector
Nevada Website: LINK
23 May 2016
Yaesu FT-891 - Martin Lynch Taking Orders!
Martin Lynch & Sons would appear to be first off the starting block taking orders for the new Yaesu FT-891.
No price as yet but if you fancy taking a punt here is the all important link: CLICK HERE
22 May 2016
New VHF CB Radio Band Comes To Sweden!
Information coming in via Instagram message is that Sweden have been allocated a VHF CB Radio band. A look on the Swedish Telecommunications website and a bit of dodgy Google translation later would appear to show that there are 10 channels in the 69Mhz band spaced in a similar way to the PMR446 band. Power output appears to be 5 watts with base and handheld radios allowed.
A further 8 channels are also allowed with a maximum power output of 25 watts:
69MHz Bandplan:
The legal regulations can be found in this document: LINK

So if you fancy a go, this little Anytone should do what you need.....
CB radio,
UK CB Radio,
VHF CB Radio
DV4mobile at the Dayton Hamvention 2016
Videos: Youtube/Laboenligne.ca
All Mode Digital Radio,
Yaesu FT-891 - Another Photo Shows Detachable Front
Yet another photo has emerged of the new Yaesu FT-891, this time showing the radio with the detachable front removed:
As for availability and price, rumours are that the radio should hit the shops during the summer months with a price of around $900/£620 - This of course is speculation and is yet to be confirmed by Yaesu!
20 May 2016
Yaesu FT-891 - NEW PHOTOS!
Seen at the Daytona Hamvention, the Yaesu FT-891 is a new amateur HF transceiver covering the 1.8Mhz to 50Mhz bands with 100 watts output power. No word on price/availability yet!
(Click Images To Enlarge)
More photos: CLICK HERE
19 May 2016
CB Radio Skip 19/05/2016 (President Grant 2)
Nice to hear a little bit of skip on the bands this afternoon!
17 May 2016
DV4Mobile - New Photo
The DV4Mobile radio is causing quite a commotion online. Not surprising as it's the first radio to support ALL the major Digital Modes. Due out late 2016, price yet to be revealed....
16 May 2016
DV4Mobile - All Digital Modes In One Radio!!!!
Coming late 2016 the DV4Mobile radio could just be what digi-mode users have been waiting for!
The first radio to have ALL the major digital modes - C4FM, D-Star, DMRplus, dPMR, P25 (NXDN later via software update) Voice over LTE and of course, FM!
No need to have separate radios to talk to your friends using different digital systems!
Frequency range
144-148 MHz, 222-225 MHz(USA), 420-450 MHz
Output power
2 x 20W simultaneously
FM, D-Star, C4FM, DMR+,,dPMR,P25*,NXDN*, DV4LTE
DTMF, Electret with modular connector
3.5 mm, stereo 2 x 4W at 8 Ohms
Connectors via adapter cable and 2 x 12 pin connectors:
RJ-45 via adapter 10/100 MBit/s
External Monitor
Internal display
240 x 320 pixel, 262k color
10.5-15V, 5A
Antenna combined into main antenna
Temperature range:
-40C - + 85C
More information can be found here: LINK
9 May 2016
Tim Peake Heard On The Space Station 09/05/16
Tim went out with a whimper at my end! His final school contact proving disappointing with a very poor received signal. However it's been a real pleasure to hear Tim over the past few months. He is a true legend and an inspirational figure for space exploration and for Amateur Radio. Well done Tim!
8 May 2016
Aurora conditions are expected to be very high tonight across Northern Europe giving spectacular light shows in the sky and possible Auroral Propagation on CB and Amateur Radio bands!
So if you happen to to be awake late, take a look out your window and remember to switch your radio on as well!!!!
Expected Aurora levels for Europe can be seen on this website: http://www.aurora-service.eu/aurora-forecast/
RSGB - Exams Standards Committee Report
From the RSGB website:
"The first annual report of the RSGB Examination Standards Committee has been released.
It includes details such as committee membership, results statistics and reports from officers.
The full report can be found on the RSGB website (12-page/88.2KB PDF)"
An interesting report which among other things show how many people passed he various stages on Amateur Radio exams between 2006 and 2015:
(Click To Enlarge)
As an example, in 2015, 84.9% of those taking the Foundation Exam, 92.5% of those taking the Intermediate Exam and 68.2% of those taking the Advanced Exam achieved the required level to gain the qualification.
So, with around 9 out of 10 people passing the Foundation and Intermediate exams there is no excuse for not giving it a go if you are someone who's been thinking about it!!!!
Tim Peake's FINAL School Contact
Just a quick reminder that Tim Peake's FINAL school contact will take place on Monday 9th May at 09:26 GMT (That's 10:26 BST) with The Kings School, Ottery St Mary, Devon.
Tim can be heard in the UK and across Europe on 145.800Mhz.
Tim can be heard in the UK and across Europe on 145.800Mhz.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Lara, aged 13 – You have missed Christmas and Easter with your family and friends – how have you celebrated big events in space?
2. Harry, aged 12 – We have seen videos of you playing about in microgravity on the ISS – what is your favourite thing to do when ‘weightless?’
3. Elizabeth, aged 18 – From your elevated advantage point, looking down on the Earth, has your perception of the events on our planet, such as conflicts and wars been altered? Does the change in perception give any insight that we could learn from?
4. Eleanor, aged 11 – Having spent many months looking at the Earth from afar, where is the first place you would go for a family holiday when you get home?
5. Freddie, aged 12 – Over 500 astronauts have been into space, but only 12 have set foot on the moon. Do you think that we will return people to the moon again in the future? How will your research on the ISS help us if we did?
6. Naomi, aged 13 – We have learned about your experiments on how the human body adapts to conditions in space. How will the research improve our quality of life on Earth?
7. Robert, aged 13 – Taking into account Einstein’s theory of relativity, do you think you are ageing slower because you are travelling faster then the Earth?
8. Ben, aged 11 – I often stare into the inky blackness of space and wonder.. if the universe is expanding, then what is it expanding into? Has your time in space given you any insight?
9. Robbie, aged 14 – Is the sunrise more spectacular from your perspective?
10. Emily, aged 13 – After 6 years of training to be an astronaut, I bet it’s all been worth it. The experiments you are doing are amazing, but did you ever struggle with Science at school? What would you say to anyone that finds it difficult?
11. Josh, aged 12 – How do you get your air in space? Do you bring it up in tanks, or do you make it in the space station, if so, how? Also, do you have a special ‘space mixture’ of air or is it the same as we have on earth?
12. Tristan, aged 12 – Do you and the other astronauts onboard control the space station, or is it controlled from Earth?
13. Katie, aged 12 – Research shows that your sleeping position can affect the kind of dreams that you have. Have you noticed any difference in your sleep patterns or dreams during your time in space?
14. Chloe, aged 12 – I am reading ‘The Astronaut’s Handbook’ at the moment, which is fascinating. If you could take one thing into space to make life more comfortable, or easier, what would it be?
15. James, aged 12 – We have enjoyed listening to your music choices on ‘Space Rocks’ – what is your all-time favourite song to listen to in space?
16. Jessica, aged 12 – How do you keep the temperature constant inside the space station?
17. James, aged 12 – What would happen to a goldfish if you took it up to the ISS? Would it just float around in a bubble of water?
18. Josh, aged 12 – Do you have a special ‘space mixture’ of air or is it the same as we have on earth?
19. Freddie, aged 12 – How will your research on the ISS help us return people to the moon?
1. Lara, aged 13 – You have missed Christmas and Easter with your family and friends – how have you celebrated big events in space?
2. Harry, aged 12 – We have seen videos of you playing about in microgravity on the ISS – what is your favourite thing to do when ‘weightless?’
3. Elizabeth, aged 18 – From your elevated advantage point, looking down on the Earth, has your perception of the events on our planet, such as conflicts and wars been altered? Does the change in perception give any insight that we could learn from?
4. Eleanor, aged 11 – Having spent many months looking at the Earth from afar, where is the first place you would go for a family holiday when you get home?
5. Freddie, aged 12 – Over 500 astronauts have been into space, but only 12 have set foot on the moon. Do you think that we will return people to the moon again in the future? How will your research on the ISS help us if we did?
6. Naomi, aged 13 – We have learned about your experiments on how the human body adapts to conditions in space. How will the research improve our quality of life on Earth?
7. Robert, aged 13 – Taking into account Einstein’s theory of relativity, do you think you are ageing slower because you are travelling faster then the Earth?
8. Ben, aged 11 – I often stare into the inky blackness of space and wonder.. if the universe is expanding, then what is it expanding into? Has your time in space given you any insight?
9. Robbie, aged 14 – Is the sunrise more spectacular from your perspective?
10. Emily, aged 13 – After 6 years of training to be an astronaut, I bet it’s all been worth it. The experiments you are doing are amazing, but did you ever struggle with Science at school? What would you say to anyone that finds it difficult?
11. Josh, aged 12 – How do you get your air in space? Do you bring it up in tanks, or do you make it in the space station, if so, how? Also, do you have a special ‘space mixture’ of air or is it the same as we have on earth?
12. Tristan, aged 12 – Do you and the other astronauts onboard control the space station, or is it controlled from Earth?
13. Katie, aged 12 – Research shows that your sleeping position can affect the kind of dreams that you have. Have you noticed any difference in your sleep patterns or dreams during your time in space?
14. Chloe, aged 12 – I am reading ‘The Astronaut’s Handbook’ at the moment, which is fascinating. If you could take one thing into space to make life more comfortable, or easier, what would it be?
15. James, aged 12 – We have enjoyed listening to your music choices on ‘Space Rocks’ – what is your all-time favourite song to listen to in space?
16. Jessica, aged 12 – How do you keep the temperature constant inside the space station?
17. James, aged 12 – What would happen to a goldfish if you took it up to the ISS? Would it just float around in a bubble of water?
18. Josh, aged 12 – Do you have a special ‘space mixture’ of air or is it the same as we have on earth?
19. Freddie, aged 12 – How will your research on the ISS help us return people to the moon?
7 May 2016
CRT ONE N - On eBay £45.99
eBay link: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/162059433513
The new updated version of the popular CRT ONE CB radio, which now comes with an S-Meter, has been spotted on eBay with the great price of £45.99
Modes - AM / FM European Multinorms
Power - 4 Watts AM / 4 Watts FM Channels 40
S-METER - Yes ( TX / RX )
SQUELCH - Manual or Automatic (ASQ)
RX SCAN function Yes : automatic search of busy channels Various functions Direct access to channel 9/19 + Keypad lock Bonus Backlit keys + Jack plug for external loud speaker
Mike UP/DOWN selection
Display - LCD display
Size 10.2 x 10 x 2.5 cm
Weight 470 gr
Modes - AM / FM European Multinorms
Power - 4 Watts AM / 4 Watts FM Channels 40
S-METER - Yes ( TX / RX )
SQUELCH - Manual or Automatic (ASQ)
RX SCAN function Yes : automatic search of busy channels Various functions Direct access to channel 9/19 + Keypad lock Bonus Backlit keys + Jack plug for external loud speaker
Mike UP/DOWN selection
Display - LCD display
Size 10.2 x 10 x 2.5 cm
Weight 470 gr
Sirio Gainmaster HW Antenna Review
Video: YouTube/M0OGY
Dave, M0OGY, takes a look at the Sirio Gainmaster Half Wave antenna.
Those guys at BaofengTech have produced a handy guide to the different Baofeng Radios to held you choose the one that's right for you:
I must say that I own most of the radios on the chart and I find them all to be very capable radios. They are certainly amazing value for money!
Amateur Radio,
High Power,
6 May 2016
CB Radio - The Big Multimode Nets 2016
Just a heads up that The Big Multimode Nets will take place on Monday 27th June 2016 between 6-10pm.
This event is to celebrate the legalisation of AM and SSB in the UK and this year takes on a special role showing that CB is alive and well following news from the ECBF that CB frequencies may be under threat if operators don't make good use of the allocation spectrum - See: LINK
AM and SSB modes have proved popular in many parts of the UK since legalisation and a number of 'Midweek Nets' have sprung up. I would suggest that for one week only any groups running 'Midweek Nets' could change days and have their weekly net on Monday 27th June, thereby increasing the number of stations on the air at the same time. It would be helpful to keep a log of all the stations who take part in the event so we can show that there are still plenty of CB radio users here in the UK and across Europe.
AM calling will take place on 27.125Mhz - Channel 14
USB calling will take place on 27.275Mhz - Channel 27
All net activity will take place on the LEGAL Mid Band.
CB radio,
Legal CB Radio,
The Big Net,
UK CB Radio
CB Radio Frequencies Under Threat?
The following rather disturbing message has been posted by the ECBF (European Citizens Band Federation):
"Last week, a meeting of the European Communications Committee (ECC) was held in Vilnius (Lithuania). The ECC Decision (11) 03 which recommends the free use of CB and the application of the standard EN300433 (AM-FM 4W and 12W pep SSB) has been revised. (Link to document: http://www.ecbf.eu/Docs/ECCDEC1103.PDF)
The ECBF participated in that meeting, (Mr. Oscar Espallargas, President of the ECBF and Mr. Martijn Verhoef, Member of ECBF in Netherlands) denouncing the non-application of the Decision (11)03 in several countries member of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT).
The most surprising thing was that some participants warned us of the "off the record", that the countdown had started to make disappear the CB 27 MHz in less than 10 years.
The first step has been to delete the record of users.
A series of groups have forced several administrations to stop: to register, to issue licenses and authorizations. Several manufacturers and importers, influenced by these groups and with the belief of increasing their sales, have supported these measures.
As a result, if before CB had little or no protection from administrations against interference from other services being in industrial scientific and medical band, now that the administrations no longer know the number of users, what will happen in the future? If the users are no longer protected, it means more QRM in the 27 MHz band.
The next step will be in five years or sooner (every five years, decisions are revised by ECC). They will start to propose other uses of the 27 MHz band (it is already happening), and as there are no users and as it is an ICM band, they can easily declare the free frequency for any kind of use. In the next revision of the ECC Decision (11) 03, the little support to CB can simply be cancelled and disappear.
How can we avoid it? It has been suggested us that only the figures can stop this process; number of users, number of CB transceivers sold and manufactured, number of accessories, etc. We must provide these figures to the CEPT in order to justify the existence of a real market.
The administrations can’t facilitate the number of users, only the federations can provide this type of information. We must provide these numbers to the CEPT.
The other numbers belong to private industry, which datas are confidential and hard to get. We should try to get this type of information to continue giving life to the CB.
The ECBF has a lot of work ahead"
So it would appear that some countries are already eyeing up the 27MHz CB frequencies for other uses? Without any official or accurate user information it would be easy for governments to just say 'There's no-one using it, so give the frequencies to someone else".
If they are seriously considering allowing other users onto the frequencies this could be a very worrying time for CB users across Europe, and don't just think this will affect those who use the 'legal' system - Freebanders/Pirates will be affected just the same when they deploy paging systems or other commercial broadcasts all across the 26-28MHz band!
5 May 2016
Tim Peake Heard On The Space Station 05/05/2016 (Yaesu FT-857D)
So this was Tim's penultimate school contact, the last one being on Monday 9th May at 10:26 BST (09:26 GMT).
3 May 2016
Tim Peake's FINAL School Contact Announced!
It's hard to believe but Tim's FINAL contact has been announced....
"The ARISS UK Operations team are delighted to announce that the final
ARISS Schools contact of the Principia Mission will be between The King’s School in Ottery St Mary, Devon and Tim Peake GB1SS on the International Space Station.
The date and time has now been confirmed as Monday, May 9 at 0926 GMT
(10:26 am BST)"
Don't forget that Tim has a contact scheduled with Ashfield Primary School GB1APS in Otley, West Yorkshire on Thursday, May 5 at 0808 GMT (9:08 am BST).
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