30 September 2015

29 September 2015

Knights - President Grant 2 PREMIUM On Sale Now £219

Well done to Doug from Knights as he appears to be first again with the new improved Grant 2 Premium.


CTX Radio - Delta Alpha LOTA 26/27th Sept. 2015

Video: Youtube/UKCBTV

Well done to the CTX guys who despite very poor band conditions appear to have had a cracking weekend!

28 September 2015

President Jackson 2 CHROME - In My Hands But I Didn't Buy It!!!!

So today I had a shiny President Jackson 2 Chrome in my hands. It looked lovely, well built and I was very tempted.... but after buying 2 x Grant 2's and a Lincoln 2 recently I just couldn't bring myself to part with another £250 on a CB radio.

If there had been loads of skip over the past week things may have been different, but the radio has been dead with hardly a signal heard. Is this a sign of things to come? Will sales of CB radios die off due to lack of propagation? Maybe!

So I've passed up the chance of having one of the first CHROME Jackson 2's!

Regrets? - Nope! -  I can always change my mind next week when the Americans are blasting in on 27.385 LSB!

PMR446 (UHF CB) New Analogue Channel Allocation

So word comes from an industry insider that the UK is set to adopt the new expanded PMR446 channel allocation.

No official announcement has yet been made so make of this what you wish but it does appear that the new allocation will go ahead.

The exsisting allocation of 8 analogue channels (446.00625 - 446.09375) have been around since the late 90's and there have been many operators calling for extra channels particularly in busy cities and town center areas. 

Having an extra 8 analogue channels (446.10625 - 446.19375) PMR446 begins to look like a true UHF CB allocation. 

Sure you only get 500mw(!) but it's surprising how far you can get from a favorable location. 

The whole band (446.000 - 446.200) will also be opened up to allow the use of up to 32 digital channels.

New radios, which will have more rigorous specifications to reduce the likelihood of interference, are expected to be available shortly after the new allocation is adopted. 

24 September 2015

CTX/Delta Alfa LOTA SSB and AM Weekend

Knights Electrocom: President Jackson 2 Chrome and Walker Chrome ON SALE NOW!

Jackson 2: Click Here - £249

Walker: Click Here - £175

CB Radio: Albrecht AE-6110 FM Receive

A short video showing the FM receive on The Northumberland Net (Ch 38 UK40). The audio is coming from the tiny internal speaker. 

So far so good!

Albrecht AE-6110 - The Worlds Smallest CB Radio!!!!*

So I took the plunge and bought myself the tiny little Albrecht AE-6110. It really is very small. Very Very Small!!!!

Did I mention it's really really really very small?
10 cm wide, 10 cm deep and 2.5 cm high

4 watts AM/FM - Multi EU Band Settings

(Click Photos To Enlarge)

And it's really really CHEAP!

Video and further comments will be along here soon.

*The CRT ONE may be a few millimeters smaller!

20 September 2015

Back Due To Popular Demand: Charlie Tango Xtreme AM Net

Following the great success of their last AM Net the CTX team are at it again. On Saturday 26th Sept 2015 from 18:00 hours - 21:00 hours(UK Time) they will be active on AM.

Calling on the UK AM calling channel 27.125MHz (14 Mid Band) then QSY after making contact.

The AM Net will be part of a fun filled weekend when they join the Delta Alpha group's LOTA weekend.

18 September 2015

President Grant 2 Premium On Sale Now? 

Yes the new President Grant 2 Premium has been spotted for sale on this Swedish website: CLICK HERE

Priced at 2795 Krona which equates to £220 sterling. Whats the betting it's more like £250 when it does come on sale in the UK!!!!!!

We wait with baited breath!

Yaesu FT-991 - Programming the Memory Channels (ML&S)


17 September 2015

Sainsonic RST-599 Unboxing

Video:Youtube/Ringway Manchester

These Chinese radios are coming thick and fast these days and are so cheap they are basically disposable! - Here's a video of the Sainsonic RST-599.

NEW: President Grant II Premium

Video: Youtube/SimonTheWizard

So here it is the NEW President Grant 2 - Now with added heatsink and extra output power. Plus UK40 available in EXPORT mode so no need to have a nasty little switch on the back!!!!

Video: Youtube/SimonTheWizard

So is it enough to make me want yet another one????

Probably not, unless I can can sell the two that I have already!

Norway To Be The First Country To Switch Off FM Radio!

It's hard to believe that the BBC started one of the worlds first DAB radio transmitter networks way back in 1995 and the UK still hasn't got a fully functional Digital Radio system. Coverage is poor in many areas and audio quality poorer still due to the network operators cramming so many stations into the old MPEG2 compression system used on the multiplexes!

Meanwhile over in Norway plans are afoot to switch off ALL FM broadcasts in favour of their DAB Digital Radio system in 2017. If this goes ahead Norway will become the first country in the world to make the switch from FM to DAB. I just hope that they keep the bit-rates up and don't go down the same road as the UK with their poor quality service!

Further Info: CLICK HERE

5 September 2015

Musical Tones Heard On 40m (Yaesu Ft-991)

The Big Net - 34 Years Of Legal CB Radio In The UK!

Just a heads up - It's almost that time of year again. On 2nd November 2015 legal UK CB will be 34 years old and stations up and down the country will take to the air during 'The Big Net'.

Previous years have seen many stations taking part and the event has encouraged people to get their old radios out of the cupboard and get back on the air so it's an ideal opportunity to make new friends and get people talking again.   

If you plan to take part please post your intentions on the Charlie Tango or Transmission 1 forums:

Charlie Tango: CLICK HERE

Transmission 1: CLICK HERE

CTX Radio - AM Radio Beacon Batch 29-08-2015

1 September 2015

Albrecht AE 6110 High Power Edition

30 watts from this little radio?

With the added benefit of being able to cook your breakfast on it no doubt!!!!