30 May 2024

President Washington CW Receive On 12m


The bands have been dead today so Dave has been struggling to find anything to listen to but he did manage to snatch a bit CW on 12m....

29 May 2024

FIRST LOOK: President Washington Part 1


I guess this is a world exclusive from Dave as he looks at the new President Washington.

26 May 2024

President Washington appears on Knights website


The President Washington has appeared on the Knights Electrocom website here in the UK.

No price yet but it does say "Coming Soon".

The radios are expected to make their way to dealers in JUNE. 

23 May 2024

President Washington FIRST LOOK & New Website

President have launched a new look website today showcasing all their products including the new President Washington 10/11/12m radio and I must say, it looks very nice.

(Click images to enlarge)


Inside the Factory - How your Quansheng UV-K5 is made!


A very interesting video from inside the factory where the Quansheng UV-K5 is made...

President Washington Price Revealed? .... Maybe Not!


The price of the new President Washington may have been revealed on the Funktechnik Bielefeld website....

The price was listed at €498 for several hours but then replaced with a placeholder price of €9999

So was this a mistake or will the radio actually cost that much?

€498 equates to £425 

20 May 2024

NEW: President Washington Radio


So it looks like President have another new radio on the way soon, in the shape of the President Washington.

Basically a George II on steroids with extra power and features.

Aimed at the Ham Radio user (Yeah right!) and sure to annoy some of those who have recently bought a George II or George FCC, having just shelled out money that could have furnished them with a second hand HF radio.

I guess this could be a way of getting a high powered, fully featured, George into the USA.

It'll be interesting to see if it shares it's main board with any other radios, such as the new Anytone AT-6666 Pro. After all, we were promised by some, that the George II would have a totally unique and EXCLUSIVE board but it turned out to be 95% the same as the board in the CRT 7900V, CRT 3900 (2023), ARES II, Radioddity Q40/Q60 etc.

User Manual and more information on the President website: CLICK HERE

17 May 2024

EXCLUSIVE: New President TED FCC CB Radio


Another new radio coming to the North American market, The President TED FCC

40 channels 26.965 - 27.405

AM/FM 4 Watts

16 May 2024

NEW: Retevis MB2/MB62 CB Radio


Another new radio, the Retevis MB2/MB62

40 channels, 4W AM/FM for the North American market MB2

Multi Norms 4W AM/FM for the European market MB62

(But look at the heat sink, white wire and jumper!)

11 May 2024

UK National CB Radio Group on Facebook


An interesting group on Facebook for you to take a look at. 

The 'UK National CB Radio Group' has launched to promote the use of CB Radio in the UK.