30 November 2023

South Coast 7th Birthday Net - TODAY!

The South Coast SSB Network celebrates 7 years of running their weekly nets tonight from 20:00 hours (UK Time)

Frequency: 27.395 LSB

NEW - Thunderpole Speaker Microphone


Ideal to use with your Thunderpole T-X handset is the new Thunderpole Speaker Mic

29 November 2023

Thunderpole T-X Case Now Available - £9.99


Thunderpole now have a dedicated case for your T-X handheld.

Priced at £9.99 it's ideal for protecting and keeping your radio looking brand new. 


23 November 2023

Hand Portable QRP UK/Tenerife/Australia


EA8/M0DAD (Hand Portable - Tenerife) with G4AKC (Bicycle Mobile - Blackpool) in QSO with VK3XXY (Australia) - AMAZING!!!!!

22 November 2023

President George II Roger Beeps

Must say I'm not keen on any of them but Number 1 is acceptable I guess! 

20 November 2023

Moonraker Black Friday Deals

Moonraker have announced that their 'Black Friday' event has now started!

President George II ONLY £296.96

Jopix CB-514 ONLY £80.96


President Digimike ONLY £53.96


Quansheng UV-K5 firmware 'How To'

Video:YouTube/M0JCF Ham Radio

Charlie Tango DX Group now on Zello


Information from Tony 26CT1952 is that the Charlie Tango DX group are now on Zello.

You can search in the Zello App for 'CHARLIE TANGO DX' or scan the QR code below.

14 November 2023

NEW: Anytone 6666 Pro With NRC

Video:YouTube/La 395 QRA "PePe"

First look at the new updated Anytone 6666 Pro which now has NRC and uses the same board as the CRT 7900V/3900/6900V/George II

11 November 2023

EXCLUSIVE: President George II Service Menu

A look through the options in the service/engineering menu on the President George II CB Radio 

10 November 2023

President George II - A Little Receive

The new President George II - Listening to the skip on 10/11/12m

Radio was bought from Moonraker in the UK - Current Price: £329.95

President Richard Amateur/CB Radio Review Part 1


Dave takes a look at the President Richard....

6 November 2023

AM/FM/SSB On The Quansheng UV-K5(8) - New Firmware


It's amazing what has been done with these little handsets! 

Dodgy USB Chargers!


Well worth flicking through this guys videos on dodgy USB chargers. A cheap USB charger could burst into flames, damage or destroy your house or even kill you! 

3 November 2023

President George II - Back In Stock @ Moonraker


The President George II CB radios are back in stock at Moonraker today (03/11/23) but are sure to sell out quickly!