31 December 2023
Happy New Year!
28 December 2023
President George FCC - 390 Wagonmaster
President George FCC - Farpoint Farms
25 December 2023
22 December 2023
INSIDE the George FCC!
- 12 V
- Manual squelch and ASC
- Multi-functions LCD display
- ANL filter, NB and HI-CUT
- Scan / Scan Skip
- 4 Memories
- F function key
- Beep / Roger Beep Function
- Dual watch
- Preset EMG 1/2
- Talkback
- Tone
- Weather channel with Alert
- Front microphone plug
- External loudspeaker jack
21 December 2023
President George FCC - $279
So people in the USA will be able to get their hands on the George FCC (The North American version of the George II) for only $279 which equates to £220
When the George II came out at a price of £329 I did say that it was overpriced by around £100.....
19 December 2023
President George FCC coming 2024
We discussed the rumours back in early July (LINK), exclusively confirmed the existence of the President George FCC in October (LINK) and finally the radio has appeared on the President website and is expected to be available in the new Year!
Early indications are a price equivalent to around £259 ($329) which is £70-80 cheaper than the cost in the UK (And some people still say that the George II isn't overpriced in the UK!)
- 40 channels AM / FM / SSB
- 12 V
- Manual squelch and ASC
- Multi-functions LCD display
- ANL filter, NB and HI-CUT
- Scan / Scan Skip
- 4 Memories
- F function key
- Beep / Roger Beep Function
- Dual watch
- Preset EMG 1/2
- Talkback
- Tone
- Weather channel with Alert
- Front microphone plug
- External loudspeaker jack
Link to President Website: CLICK HERE
9 December 2023
Quansheng UV-K5(8) Custom Firmware SSB Receive
7 December 2023
NEW - Moonraker Titan - Coming Soon!
The Moonraker Titan 10m Multimode is 40W FM/SSB/CW amd 12W AM Transceiver
- Frequency range: 28.000 to 29.700 MHz
- Output Power: LOW 4W, Middle 8W, High 40W
- AI noise reduce (Option)
- Step: 5Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1KHz, 10KHz, 100KHz
- ASQ on/off
- ECHO on/off
- Output power adjustable
- Hi-cut on/off
- Beep on/off
- Dual Watch
- Noise Blanker on/off
- ANL build-in
- Scan
- Roger Beep
- LCR (Last Channel Record)
- Mic gain adjustable
- TalkBack
- Scan list
- Digital RFG adjustable
- A-RFG (Auto RFG)
3 December 2023
Bishop Auckland Amateur Radio Rally (BARAC) 2023
30 November 2023
South Coast 7th Birthday Net - TODAY!
29 November 2023
Thunderpole T-X Case Now Available - £9.99
Thunderpole now have a dedicated case for your T-X handheld.
Priced at £9.99 it's ideal for protecting and keeping your radio looking brand new.
23 November 2023
Hand Portable QRP UK/Tenerife/Australia
22 November 2023
President George II Roger Beeps
20 November 2023
Moonraker Black Friday Deals
Quansheng UV-K5 firmware 'How To'
Charlie Tango DX Group now on Zello
Information from Tony 26CT1952 is that the Charlie Tango DX group are now on Zello.
You can search in the Zello App for 'CHARLIE TANGO DX' or scan the QR code below.
14 November 2023
NEW: Anytone 6666 Pro With NRC
11 November 2023
EXCLUSIVE: President George II Service Menu
10 November 2023
President George II - A Little Receive
President Richard Amateur/CB Radio Review Part 1
6 November 2023
AM/FM/SSB On The Quansheng UV-K5(8) - New Firmware
Dodgy USB Chargers!
5 November 2023
42 Years of CB Radio - CB Radio is still cool!
4 November 2023
UK CB Radio 42 Year BIG NET During Storm Ciaran
42 Years Of CB Radio (In the Midlands)
3 November 2023
President George II - Back In Stock @ Moonraker
29 October 2023
As the information is now freely available on the internet we can now feature it here.....
For those of you looking for the President George II service menu....
28 October 2023
EXCLUSIVE: President George FCC - Confirmed!
Jopix CB-514 CB Handheld - Mini Review
Handheld CB radios appear to be all the rage recently with several models launching in a small space of time.
The latest one to come through the doors of Delboy Towers is the Jopix CB-514 which is available from Moonraker, here in the UK.
The Jopix CB-514 is a 40/80 channel multi-standrd radio with both AM and FM and a power output of 4w (High) and 1w (Low). It comes with a 'rubber duck' type antenna which is approximately 300mm long (10 inches in old money). The antenna attaches to the top of the radio via BNC connector. The radio has a good solid feel to it and is heavier than you might expect. All controls and buttons feel good with no wobbly knobs!
It has a backlit LCD display which includes channel, frequency, battery level and a signal meter along with indications for mode, power setting, squelch etc. The backlight can be turned on/off using one of the side keys just below the PTT.
There is a keypad on the front of the radio which is also illuminated so can be used in the dark.
The radio is powered by an 1800mAh lithium battery pack which is located in the rear of the radio. The battery is charged via a USB-C charger, just like those used to charge modern mobile phones. The radio can also be powered via an optional 'car adapter' if required.
Roger Beep
Key Beep
Key Lock
LCR - Last Channel Recall
EMG 9/19
High/Low Power (4W/1W)
EXPORT MODE - 25.615 to 30.105 (Via keypress)
NRC (Noise Reduction Circuit)
A quick word about the Export Mode....
This radio does include an Export Mode covering 25.615 - 31.105 however not all dealers supply the radio with this as standard so make sure you check before you buy.
Moonraker supply this radio with Export Mode straight out of the box.
(Click to enlarge)Export Mode can be accessed by pressing PTT and FUNC while turning on the radio, you are then presented with 6 options relating to different 'bands'. Option 2 provides the standard export channels (25.615 - 30.105) with option 3 giving the same but with '0' endings (25.610 - 30.100).
NOTE: The supplied antenna is tuned for the EU/UK bands and is not suitable for use outside of those frequencies, the SWR is likely to be very high, therefore be sure to use an alternative antenna if you intend to operate on other bands.
Noise Reduction Circuit (NRC) - If there has been one real gamechanger in the CB radio world recently it has to be NRC. A type of Digital Noise Reduction previously only seen on Amateur Radio equipment. The Jopix has NRC and boy does it work... Stations down in the noise and barely readable suddenly come loud and clear when the NRC is engaged. Of course there is no miracle solution to all interference problems but the NRC on the Jopix certainly works very well and can make a real difference.
A video showing what you get in the box:
27 October 2023
NEW Anytone AT-6666 II - Coming Soon?
So word on the street is that the new Anytone AT-6666 II may be on it's way soon!
Looking very similar to the Yaesu FTM-400xd, the radio covers 24.715 - 30.105MHz with AM/FM/USB/LSB and has a detachable front panel.
Certainly something very different to look forward to if true.
Other reports suggest that Anytone have abandoned this radio in favour of the 6666-Pro which is an updated version of the Anytone 6666 / CRT 9900.
25 October 2023
Blackpool CB and Amateur Convoy 2023
News of this years Blackpool CB and Amateur Convoy which takes place on Friday 27th October:
"Yes it's that time of year again! Join us for our 3rd annual illuminations convoy. This one never disappoints!
It doesn't matter what your radio background is, Join us on 145.300MHz and channel 21 UKFM for general chit chat as we make our way to Blackpool and pass through the lights. Please read the flyer as all information is on it. Don't worry if your a little late, we always have a short pit stop at Lytham and if you like, why not sample some fish and chips at the end.
We regroup at the end on Sainsburys car park on red bank road so if your local, why not come and say hi. Hope to see as many of you as possible"
21 October 2023
Jopix CB-514 Handheld CB - Does It Have Export Mode?
17 October 2023
Yet another variation on a theme as the MAAS KCB-H-1000 enters the increasingly crowded handheld CB radio market!
It's currently unknown if this radio will have the export mode which is available on some other versions.
Price around €119
Moonraker Visit Hong Kong!
The Moonraker team have been travelling the world in search of new and exiting electronic devices and they have posted photos from their recent visit to the Hong Kong Electronics Fair.
"We've just returned from the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) 2023, and it was a fantastic experience!The fair served as a hub of electronic wonders, showcasing everything from consumer electronics to computing and gaming, automotive electronics to robotics and unmanned tech.
We had the privilege of connecting with top industry suppliers, building relationships, and gaining valuable insights into cutting-edge technology, as well as the industry's upcoming trends and innovations.
Keep your eyes peeled for more content from this trip!"