22 April 2019

70cm Band Propagation 21/04/2019

Some interesting conditions on UHF recently....

First Look at the new Yaesu FTdx-101D


Rod, K8RR and Mark, W8BBQ unbox the NEW Yaesu FTdx-101D and power it on at DX Engineering in Tallmadge, Ohio.

21 April 2019

SKIP On The President McKinley

Video:YouTube/The Harp and Shamrock Group

Some action from the US showing what the McKinley sounds like with a bit of propagation....

18 April 2019

Sid's Sunday DX Net 14/04/2019

Video:YouTube/Mike1074 DX

Another video from one of the many UK CB Radio nets.

CB radio in the UK has certainly had a major boost in the past 5 years since AM and SSB were legalised with multiple nets springing up around the regions. Most of the new nets are on SSB with a couple on AM, but as you can see FM has not been forgotten.

12 April 2019

South West DX Group

Things can change rapidly in the world of radio and only 2 days after forming, The Devon DX Group has expanded to cover Somerset, Cornwall and Dorset with the new combined name "The South West DX Group" 

Their operating frequency is 27.295 usb. 

9 April 2019

NEW - The Devon CB Radio DX Group

Yet another new UK CB radio group has popped up on Facebook, this time to promote activity in the Devon and West Country areas.

They are currently discussing which frequency they'll be using to hold regular nets. It looks like either 27.295 or 27.355 usb could be the one but keep up to date by visiting their Facebook page...


UPDATE 11/04/19: It appears that they have now chosen 27.295 as their regular net frequency.

1 April 2019

President Walker II FCC - NEW Photos

President have released two new photos of their Walker II FCC radio. Same in design to the EU version but with the 'brushed aluminium' front, and of course, this radio is 40 mid-band AM only, don't expect any hidden goodies in this one. 

The radio looks nice, certainly better than the black EU version, but those cheap looking switches and knobs spoil its appearance in my opinion.

- 40 channels AM
- Channel rotary switch
- Volume adjustment and ON/OFF
- Manual squelch and ASC
- Multi-functions LCD display
- Frequencies display
- S/RF vu-meter
- Public Address
- Scan
- Talkback
- Beep Function
- Roger Beep
- Tone
- ANL filter, NB, HI-CUT
- RF Gain / Mike gain
- RF Power
- Mic type electret / dynamic
- F function key
- Mode switch AM / WX
- Preset emergency (EMG 1/2)
- SWR (Power Reading /SWR)
- Weather channel with Alert
- Front microphone plug
- External loudspeaker jack
- USB 5V 2.1A