30 June 2024

Thunderpole T-3000 CB Radio First Contact

More videos from Dave M0OGY who is testing out the Thunderpole T-3000

28 June 2024

First Look INSIDE the President Washington and Export Modification


The CB Repair Guy from www.customcbradios.com has posted a very interesting video showing the inside of the new President Washington radio.... 

    Click Images To Enlarge
    Inside the radio

    Power connectors for the optional fan kits

    Output section

    Export Modification Point
(Solder wire then in the menu enter 12345)

As suspected the internal boards are very similar to the CRT SS9900V / Anytone AT-6666 PRO but there are differences. The Washington has the additional board to power the fan kits and a couple of extra chips. However all of the main components appear to be the same, and the CRT SS9900V actually has much more in the way of shielding over the components, most notably over the output transistors. 

CRT SS7900V and CRT SS9900 Discontinued!


No surprise here, CRT have discontinued their SS7900V and SS9900 models so if you want one, you'd better grab them while they are still in stock. 

This is happening because both radios are being updated with new models. 

The SS7900V is being replaced with the new CRT SS8900 with a new board, new features and a smaller form factor.

The SS9900 is being replaced with the new CRT SS9900V - Again a new board and new features. 

Anytone 6666 PRO / CRT SS9900V - Service Menu

Video:YouTube/Jirka Kobylisy

26 June 2024

CRT SS7900V - Increased Power and Backlit Buttons

Video:YouTube/Max Step

One of the few potential flaws in the otherwise excellent CRT SS7900V is the lack of backlit buttons, this video shows that it can be done and higher output power as well.

CRT SS8900 £249.95 at PJBOX


PJBOX in Cornwall UK have the new CRT SS8900 for sale, priced at £249.95 with a small number of units coming in on 29th June and their main supply due at the end of July.

The radio can be programmed with the UK band and other 11m channels on request. 


25 June 2024

Thunderpole T-3000 Transceiver Review Part 1


President Washington Coming to the USA + Canada


President have announced that the Washington will be coming to the USA and Canada soon!

Along with some new photos:

NEW CRT SS8900 at Knights


The new CRT SS8900 has just landed at Knights Electrocom in the UK and should be making an appearance on their website in the coming days. 

No price as yet.

Knights Website: CLICK HERE

CRT SS8900 £244.99 at KAMSAT


KAMSAT now have the new CRT SS8900 in stock, priced at £244.99

    AM / FM / LSB / USB
    27-29.7 MHz
    Receptor VHF FM 136-174 MHz
    60W with modulation AM / 50W FM / 60W SSB
    LARGE LCD frequency display
    Ultra compact size 
    NEW 100% reception technology

20 June 2024

NEW CRT SS8900 Revealed


Appearing on the CRT website today is the new CRT SS8900, looking almost identical to the 7900V but in a shorter case.

  • AM / FM / LSB / USB
  • 28-29.7 MHz (Plus Export)
  • Receptor VHF FM 136-174 MHz
  • 60W with modulation AM / 50W FM / 60W SSB
  • LARGE LCD frequency display
  • Ultra compact size !
  • NEW 100% reception technology


16 June 2024

President Washington Price Revealed at Knights

Doug at Knights Electrocom has said he expects the new President Washington to be priced at £359 + postage.

The export modification can be done for an extra £10

He also states that there is no word on the price of the optional fan kit or when the kit will be in stock. This could pose a problem for early adopters who want the fan kit as you have to break the warranty seals to fit the fans. If you don't get the fans fitted at the time of purchase and then fit them yourself, that's the warranty out the window... 

So fingers crossed he gets the fan kits at the same time as the radios become available.

Thanks to Kei Man on Facebook for the information. 


14 June 2024

NEW: Thunderpole Tactical and Flexi Antennas For T-X Handheld


Dave takes a look at two new antennas from Thunderpole designed for use with their excellent T-X handheld. 


Flexible antenna: CLICK HERE

Telescopic antenna: CLICK HERE

Tactical antenna: CLICK HERE

Leather case: CLICK HERE

Speaker mic: CLICK HERE

12 June 2024

President Washington - Coming to America?


So it looks like the Washington will be making it's way to America (No surprise there!)

Seen on CBWorld website:

$389 equates to £305


11 June 2024

Yankee Foxtrot Net - Tonight from 19:00 hours


Just a reminder for those of you in the Portsmouth area, the Yankee Foxtrot Net takes place tonight and every Tuesday night from 19:00 hours (UK Time) on channel 14UK (27.93125)

9 June 2024

RETEVIS MB62 CB Radio - Review / Export Mod / High Power Mode

Video:YouTube/Fred in the Shed

This time Fred takes a closer look at the new Retevis MB62 and shows how to get Export and high power modes. 

7 June 2024

Thunderpole T-X Back In Stock + New Antenna


Good news from Thunderpole who now have the T-X handheld back in stock!

They also have a new BNC telescopic antenna to go with the radio.


Anytone AT-6666 Pro Price Revealed?


Seen on an Italian website who have the Anytone AT-6666 Pro listed for €235 which equates to £199

Obviously this is to be confirmed and we must expect to add the rip-off Britain surcharge but it certainly gives us a good indication that this radio may be significantly cheaper than the President Washington which has basically the same features.

Personally I think the actual price will be more than this. £199 seems to low for a new high powered radio.


6 June 2024

Special Event: 10 Years of Legal AM/SSB in the UK 27/06/2024


On Thursday 27th June 2024 stations all across the UK and beyond will celebrate 10 years of legal AM and SSB in the UK with a special radio event from 18:00 hours UK time/ 17:00 GMT.

SSB calling on 27.275 USB (Channel 27 EU)

AM calling on 27.125 (Channel 14 AM)

(Please QSY if the channels are busy in your local area)

This is a chance to make new friends and increase activity on the CB bands.

International Space Station Contact 06/06/2024


ARISS News Release No. 24-31

ARISS Contact is Scheduled with Students at Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Serafim Leite, São João da Madeira, Portugal

June 4, 2024—Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) has received schedule confirmation for an ARISS radio contact between an astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and students at the Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Serafim Leite located in São João da Madeira, Portugal. ARISS conducts 60-100 of these special amateur radio contacts each year between students around the globe and crew members with ham radio licenses aboard the ISS.

Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Serafim Leite has more than 800 students, aged 6 through 18 years. All levels of students are involved in the preparation of this ARISS contact. Prior to this contact, the class curricular included material related to the study of space, communication, and technology that focus on “Climatic Emergency”. School clubs (Programming and Robotics and Astronomy) have included activities that demonstrated tracking of the ISS and observation of nearby stars and planets. Local amateur radio operators are supporting the school during this contact.

This will be a direct contact via Amateur Radio allowing students to ask their questions of astronaut Matthew Dominick, amateur radio call sign KCØTOR. The downlink frequency for this contact is 145.800 MHz and may be heard by listeners that are within the ISS-footprint that also encompasses the relay ground station.

The amateur radio ground station for this contact is in São João da Madeira. Amateur radio operators using call sign CS2ASL, will operate the ground station to establish and maintain the ISS connection.

The ARISS radio contact is scheduled for June 6, 2024 at 11:33:44 am WEST (Portugal) (10:33:44 UTC, 6:33 am EDT, 5:33 am CDT, 4:33 am MDT, 3:33 am PDT).

4 June 2024

RETEVIS MB62 AM/FM CB Radio Preview

Video:YouTube/Fred in the Shed 2

Fred takes a quick look at the new Retevis MB62 CB Radio.....


CRT are quick off the mark with another new radio, the CRT SS9900V.

Packed with new features and increased output power, this radio is sure to be a winner.

And a look inside.... 

Link to CRT website: CLICK HERE

Specifications (Click to enlarge)

3 June 2024

President George II - Programming?


A video posted by Klaus Rüsseler on the President George II Facebook page appears to show the radio in programming mode with PC MODE and PC END on the display. 

This could prove to be very interesting and may open up lots of goodies, so we say well done Klaus!

This also raises the possibility of programming the President Washington as well!!!!

You can see the video on the President George II Facebook page: CLICK HERE

President Washington First DX Contacts
