
20 May 2024

NEW: President Washington Radio


So it looks like President have another new radio on the way soon, in the shape of the President Washington.

Basically a George II on steroids with extra power and features.

Aimed at the Ham Radio user (Yeah right!) and sure to annoy some of those who have recently bought a George II or George FCC, having just shelled out money that could have furnished them with a second hand HF radio.

I guess this could be a way of getting a high powered, fully featured, George into the USA.

It'll be interesting to see if it shares it's main board with any other radios, such as the new Anytone AT-6666 Pro. After all, we were promised by some, that the George II would have a totally unique and EXCLUSIVE board but it turned out to be 95% the same as the board in the CRT 7900V, CRT 3900 (2023), ARES II, Radioddity Q40/Q60 etc.

User Manual and more information on the President website: CLICK HERE

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