
31 May 2019

President McKinley EU EXPORT MOD

A quick look at the video review which Dave M0OGY has posted on YouTube reveals the President McKinley EU Export Mod - Inline with many other President radios it involves cutting a white wire and moving a jumper. 

In export mode the radio covers 24.710 - 30.110 MHz with an increased output power of around 20 watts.

Something of interest is the number of adjustment pots on the board... We had been told that there wouldn't be any but that's certainly not the case 😁

You can watch Dave's video here: CLICK


  1. Hi Delboy...Any idea where the fm audio adjustment is in the mckinley eu
    73s mike

  2. Once expanded I presume the UK 27/81 FM frequencies will be lost?

  3. No, it retains ukfm with a press of the F button

  4. Could do with fm audio turned up

  5. I have just brought the President McKinley and looking to do the upgrade is it just cut the white wire and move the jumper over one is that all I have to do

  6. Where can I get the switch mod unit thanks

  7. Hi guys bought a mckinley in export mode. How do I vary the output power.the combination of ptt and buttons in the manual don't work after the mod etc help ?

    1. Press and hold it ptt, then press dot, then press channel selector on the transceiver, and you can vary the output power with channel selector. Then keep the channel selector pressed until the frequency appears again on the display. Remember, long press.

  8. Hi guys bought a mckinley in export mode. How do I vary the output power.the combination of ptt and buttons in the manual don't work after the mod etc help ?

  9. bought mine ready expanded

  10. Hello, does anyone know how I could expand the channels of the Mckinley without increasing the power? cutting only the cable or changing the position of the jumper? thanks greetings
