
21 October 2018

PMR 446 Contact Sussex to Brittany 257 Miles

Video:YouTube/Mike1074-DX M7MMC

A rather good contact on PMR446 (Yes, not standard gear but still a great copy)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dellboy - my e-mail address is: - I am not on BookFace, Twatter, IdiotChat, etc. so without an e-mail address for you I am unable to get a message to you other than by this means.
    On Saturday 29th June 2019 19:10hrs local time (18:10 UT), when at Princetown, Dartmoor National Park, Devon, I had an extremely strong PMR446 contact with 14DX165 in Dept.65, Pyranees (French Spanish border). We had around 4 "overs", total time lasting around 2 minutes. There had been tropospheric propagation throughout the afternoon between UK and France on both VHF and UHF and whilst scanning on my Yaesu 8900 quad-band I kept on picking up intermittent but very strong signals on both channel 7 and 8 and from the French conversation I deduced there was some sort of PMR446 competition going on. My Yaesu will not transmit PMR446 frequencies, so I called "Break, Break from England" on my Baofeng UV5R with 5" rubber duck (which gives about 1 to 2 watts ERP, no more) and received an immediate excited reply back from 14DX165 in good English. On returning home I have checked the distance and it is in the region of 550miles !!! On that same afternoon I had been making good contacts into central France on both VHF and UHF Ham frequencies. I am trying to locate information via the InterNerd on the operator 14DX165 in order for him to verify the contact. Please let me know you have received this communication from me. Iain.
