
29 June 2022

Tango Echo Net 01/07/2022


One of the many regular UK nets, this time we feature the Thames Estuary DX Net which takes place on Friday 1st July from 8pm (UK Time) on 27.375 USB.

So if you are in the South East of England or there's some skip running, why not tune in and give them a call....

25 June 2022

CB Radio Anniversary 27th June 2022


It's that time of year again when stations across the UK celebrate the legalisation of AM and SSB.

8 years have passed since AM and SSB were made legal in the UK and it's fair to say that SSB has proved to be very popular with dozens of regular nets taking place every single week. 

However AM hasn't really taken off due to the large amounts of interference on that particular mode especially for people operating from home. There are a few AM nets but the majority certainly seem to prefer SSB.

Anyway, on Monday 27th June 2022 from 19:00 hours (UK Time) operators are encouraged to take to the air and make as many contacts as they can.

SSB calling will take place on channel 27 (27.275 USB)

AM calling will take place on channel 14 (27.125)



24 June 2022

NEW - President Walker III FCC AM/FM


    (Mock-up Image)

Yet another FM radio from President is on it's way to the US market!

The President Walker III FCC AM/FM has been announced and is expected to be the same as the previous model but now with added FM.

40 channels AM/FM

26.965 - 27.405


15 June 2022

President Randy III CB radio - Adjustments

Video:YouTube/UK FM CB radio servicing

Richard takes a look at the President Randy III handheld CB Radio.....

12 June 2022

The Yorkshire Bash (CB Radio Meeting) 14th - 17th July 2022


Information from Bryan 26LR006 about an exciting CB Radio event taking place this summer:

"Hi, at last We can invite you all to the Yorkshire Bash. The event is open to everyone who would like to attend.

Wild camping BBQ, beer, radio, Hog roast, an annual meet up to meet old and new friends.

This year the event will be held near Driffield, 14th July - 17th July.

The cost is £10 a night or £25 if you would like to stay the 3 nights.

Andy will be setting up his monster antenna that will be visible for miles around and anyone who would like to have a go is welcome to use.

A BBQ, Hog roast, breakfast is included.

As we will be wild camping in a large field, please ensure you are equipped for the weekend. A portable loo will be on site, but you will need to bring water. Oh and beer!

Please book your place with me or Sydthecat (CT Admin) and we will ad you to the list of attendees, this will also let us know the numbers we need to cater for.

See you there!"

11 June 2022

CB Radio Skip 11/06/2022

Some fantastic conditions today on the CB with stations all along the South Coast of England being heard up here in the North East!

It was great to catch up with Dan and Chris from the 305 net, they were both booming in despite some serious QRM from FM stations on the same frequency. You can catch the guys daily on 27.305 USB when conditions allow.  

1 June 2022

Video: President Randy II FCC AM/FM

Video: YouTube/Farpoint Farms

The first video I've seen featuring the new President Randy II FCC AM/FM handled and Eric from Farpoint Farms goes through the features on the first legal handheld with FM for the American market.