
26 January 2015

MASSIVE Bleedover!!!!!

YouTube:26TM037 showing how excessive power and 150% modulation can cause problems even across the other side of the Atlantic!!!

22 January 2015

President Grant 2: Unlocked Clarifier?

One of the main problems with using the Grant 2 as an EXPORT radio is that it is stuck to frequencies ending in 5's or 0's.
The radio really should have had a course and fine clarifier much like the old Cobra 148's. seem have gone part of the way to solve this problem with a video apparently showing an unlocked RX/TX clarifier. If true you would be able to get on all the frequencies in between the 5's and the 0's but you wouldn't have a separate RECEIVE only clarifier which is essential for clear communications on SSB. Maybe a separate control on the side or back of the radio will be required or even changing the clarifier control completely for a course and fine clarifier?
(Direct Link To Video: HERE)   

19 January 2015

NEW: Wouxun KG-UV9D
Featuring Dual Band TX and 7 Band RX this is the new Wouxun KG-UV9D
Sure to be a big hit amongst handheld enthusiasts and those interested in PMR446!
 76 – 108 MHz (FM RX)
108 – 136 MHz (Air Band)
136 – 174 MHz (FM RX/TX)
230 – 250 MHz (FM RX)
350 – 400 MHz (FM RX)
400 – 512 MHz (FM RX/TX)
700 – 985 MHz (FM RX)
(Click for bigger!)
More Info: HERE

17 January 2015

The UK CB Radio Network Map
With the help of the UK CB Radio community I am currently compiling a UK CB Radio Network Map, which aims to show where the most active nets are taking place around the UK.
The latest map can be seen on my website: HERE

If you are aware of any regular nets which take place please let me know and I will add the information to the map.

15 January 2015

Christmas Island Transmissions shut down! 

I guess everyone knows the risks but thinks they'll never get caught!
This however goes to show that operating illegally doesn't always go unnoticed.

11 January 2015

26AT030 Heard In Northumberland

Unusual conditions today, hearing Skegness amongst all the European stations!

7 January 2015

Powerline Adapters/BPL:
Has OFCOM Finally Grown A Pair?

OFCOM have started a consultation titled:

The Wireless Telegraphy (Control of Interference from Apparatus) Regulations 2015"

And it appears to suggest for the first time that powerline adapters may fall under regulation in respect of interference to radio users.

This could be very good news for radio users in the UK. For years CB and HAM operators have complained about the terrible interference caused by powerline devices but until now OFCOM have basically ignored them stating that these devices do not fall under the scope of current legislation and at some times have more or less refused to acknowledge that a problem even exists. 

However this time their consultation specifically mentions Powerline devices in relation to interference problems.

The OFCOM consultation documents can be seen HERE

I urge you to read it and respond by completed the form on this page: HERE 

The 'popular press' are reporting that people with powerline equipment could be prosecuted if they cause intereference to radio users (CLICK HERE). 

Personally I feel that that is not the way to go. The simple and fairest solution is to remove the devices from sale. OUTLAW THEM - By their very nature and design they cause wideband interference across the radio spectrum and they should never have been allowed to be sold in the first place.  

Anyone who is currently using these devices should replace them with wireless technology or hard wired connections if they are found to be causing a problem.

Of course this legislation doesn't only apply to powerline equipment it will also cover LED lighting, power supplies, plasma TV's etc and this can only be a good thing.

So fingers crossed that at long last something may be done to help the radio users of this world!

4 January 2015

More From The Charlie Tango Xmas Net!

More video from the Charlie Tango Xmas DX on 27th Dec. on a day which celebrated 6 months of legal AM/SSB in the UK.